Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why I Don't Date Asian Men

This post was written as a joke.

But I have now deleted it.

It was supposed to be funny, because surely people would not take it seriously. This was wrong. Many people took it seriously. Despite disclaimers.

So now, after a year and a half, it's deleted.

Instead, for a laugh, you can go read "Differences Between Men and Women", and then write ridiculous flames about how the article author must hate all men and all women.


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Anonymous said...

Niniane is an embarassment to the Asian community. I've lost a great deal of respect for Google for hiring such a bigot.

Anonymous said...

Look what that ni$$a did to Lisa Nguyen.

I doubt an Asian man would have knocked her on the head with a crowbar and thrown her in the garbage dump.

What is worst whites or blacks with a full on Asian fetish or self hating ccb's?

Anonymous said...


Sometimes I wonder why women feel the need to have their existence validated by men. If you want to feel pretty, then feel pretty. Do you really need a guy to tell you? It doesn't sound like you have a problem with Asian/Chinese men, you have a problem with men in general who aren't there to lick your feet!

tell me, that do you like?

Anonymous said...

What came first, the chicken or the egg? If society stopped reaffirming certain stereotypes in the media, would those stereotypes continue to flourish? The internet is a place where the repressed conscious mind can vent, and I think your entry is insightful.

However, I would be careful in simplifying differences between ethnicities. The world is not black and white, it contains many shades of gray. Though there may be a seemingly overwhelming affirmation of a social construct, how did that social construct come to be? By affirming the truth behind a stereotype, you allow it to continue, rather than demystifying its over simplicity. I think your point deals with an individual's cultural background and upbringing, along with his/her ethnicity.

Anonymous said...

"WHIGGIE" response.
\NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH: Intelligent, emotionally-secure women who are
free of identity problems,\
Knowing who you want to date shows your insecure and suffer identity problems.

\Pathetically insecure with
and their ethnicity.\
And thats why I won't come talk to you.

\Resentment of father's traditional, authoritarian upbringing\
Its like fascism but good for you.

\Brainwashed into believing that they, as AF's, are more desirable
than other women in an exotic lotus blossum kinda way.\
Society thinks your special? Well your not.

\Thoroughly whitewashed. Desperate need to fit into "mainstream"
(i.e. white) society.\
Unlike all other women everywhere.

\In need of major attitude adjustments.\
Act how I like or I won't tell you whats wrong with you.

\Exaggerated, whiny, Encino-esque valley girl accent.\
FOB accent is good for you long time.

\"I want it all...and that begins with the
right (i.e. white) guy...". Asian-American princess complex.\
If your fantasy doesn't involve jet lee your a bitch.

\Uncanny ability to determine one's nationality, occupation, earnings
capacity and make of auto within three minutes of commencing a
Nice girls only date unemployed men.

\Ignorant and narrow-minded, eager to adopt and perpetuate fallacious
western media stereotypes of Asian men.\
Asian girls only understand asian men by watching TV.

\A compulsion to trash Asians, particularly Asian men,\
If people don't like me it must be their fault.

\Extremely shallow, self centered, argumentative and boring\
So don't agrue with me, because thats boring.

\Disdains ethnic studies;\
asian families should move to america to study asian culture.

\Despises all Asian men, with the occasional exception of their
If you hug your brother then we should be able to have sex.

\Believes that racism does not exist because she, as an AF, has
never experienced it first hand, or is too dense to realize it.
Besides, those asiaphiles are so nice to her (while plotting to get into her pants)\
Its so racist for white guys to like non-white girls.

\Gets a warm fuzzy feeling when watching The Joy Luck Club, while
snuggled up to her geeky asiaphile boyfriend.\
Remember, if its not a jet lee movie your a bitch.

\Has lost count of how many WM's she's done this month\
Liking non-asian men means your a slut, its a fact.

\The wet-dream come true for socially-handicapped caucasian nerds who are unable to attract caucasian women\
Not to be confused with asian nerds.

\Threatened and insecure in the presence of any culturally-
perceptive Asian person\
By culturally-perceptive I mean is asian and dates only other asians.

\Many aging whiggies, after being used and abandoned by WM's in
favor of younger, more nubile whiggies and being rejected by AM's
who see through their transparency, develop a bitterness towards
all men, period.\
Because you never see old white/asian couples these days.

\FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: a) Look of contempt when eyes meet those of any non-white male\
Because I'm handsome, you just don't know it yet.

\b) terminal pout\
Because your happy, you just don't know it yet.

\c) bimbo-ish expression that defies deep thought.\
Just try to LOOK smart next time.

\TYPICAL ATTIRE: Anything trendy, mainstream-looking and seductive\
Its Kimono or NO GO, traitor. Please cover you ankles.

\Fanatical whiggies have been known to undergo certain procedures such as eyelid surgery, breast augmentation and vaginal tightening operations.\
Because asian girls have lose vaginas.

\Chinese restaurants (slumming
with the WM and demonstrating that she's "in touch with her heritage"\
If you don't eat chinese WITH THE CHINESE your no better then a Jap.

\age 10: "Mom, why do we have to be (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)?
Do you have to dress like that? And what's with dad and his accent?\
Curiosity is for white people.

\"Race doesn't matter. I just happen to like white guys. It's just a preference."\
If hes not asian you are dead inside.

\"I want learn English better...you maybe teach, handsome man? Are you
U.S. citizen?"\
Because wanting out of your third world country is for quiters.

\CLOSELY RELATED TO: Racists, bigots, wannabes, ho's, chameleons, white supremecists, a fish out of water.\
Because dating white guys is like lynching blacks in an area your not familiar with.

Margaret Cho, Sheryl Wu Dunn, any of The Joy Luck Club protagonists
(except the one who married an Asian dude).\
But seriously I love talking about the Joy Luck Club, too bad Jet Lee wasn't in it.

Anonymous said...

If you look right below this column, you'll notice a link titled: "Why Japanese women date foreigners?"

Clicking on the link displays your post, Nineane. Notice how it's missing the disclaimer?

You've just helped reinforced a great stereotype. How can you possibly fight a racist system when you're constantly propping it up?

Anonymous said...

As a non-AW who has dated AM and is currently again involved with an Japanese man (non-westernized); there is some truth in the Niniane's comments.

Granted they're stereotypes which I don't condone promoting. Yet stereotypes derive from somewhere. I wouldn't say that if again I find myself exasperated by the cultural differences I'd rule AM out. Albeit, the next relationship will probably intentionally be with a non-AM.

Anonymous said...

You didn't complain privately so neither will I. I think you are making up excuses for your dating behavior. That's okay. It's a free country. Many asian women act like whores for non-asian (especially white) men. As a non asian female, I will gladly pick through asian men and take best ones men off your hands for you.

Anonymous said...

im sorry, but by saying that you are being stereotypical already, there are definitely sweet Asian guys out there who would do anything to date.

On the other hand, wouldn't u be tired of the flowers and the constant saying of "i love you" after awhile?


Anonymous said...

haha, i know this filipina girl who says jokingly to her wm, "I'm gonna kill you" etc etc...wtf? But ya, I know about the face thing that other guy was talking about.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately in the scheme of things you will always be the "second banana" to white women.

Anonymous said...

True. Just like the AF
in this vid

Anonymous said...

I'm an Asian guy and I know how it is.

I don't believe in your reasons for not dating Asian guys, which are just superficial excuses. If a hot white guy, Tom Cruise look a like always asked you out on last minute date, you surely would not mind. If he never brought you flowers you would not mind. If he never complimented you, you would not mind and etc.

Unfortunately for Asian guys in today's America, to good looking women, asian guys are perceived to be a "step backwards" in the social ladder.

You may not think that, but it's true. You're a cute woman and have achieved a western look about yourself - probably spend a lot of your time making yourself look attractive so why would you want to be hitched to a dorky asian guy or invest time in finding that normal asian guy in a "haystack" of dorky asian guys.

In western society the woman's social status is determined by the husband she marries. Although, asian guys can be very successful, unfortunately they are postioned low on the social ladder. Basically, they have no "wow factor." Social status is more important to western women, and probably more so for asian women here in America. That's the reason why you don't date asian guys.

Anonymous said...

I love how you generalize and assume the worst in Asian men but if something bad happens to you with a white guy in a relationship, you won't generalize all white men as being the same. REAL NICE and yeah, your a SELLOUT WHORE

Anonymous said...

heyhey, i'm white/caucasian young woman and my dearest friend is asian. And I don't agree with your post You know:) My friend is so so romantic, every day i hear that i'm beautiful. And it's a sincere words..I just feel that. He loves me. Once we haven't see each other for a week. Oh my, it was so hard for us. I guess You had bad experience, don't know. But I just wanted to say, that asian men can be romantic, gentle and just the best!:)

Anonymous said...

Whoa...I am floored by your generalizations of over a billion people. Can you say "brain washed"? Or how about "group-think"? Your article, if anything, makes other Asian ladies look bad. Just what are you trying to prove anyway? Instead trying make positive changes in the world, you're words are damaging to many innocent people adding fuel to the fire of generalizations. Did you forget that the founders of America encouraged us to see people as individuals...your view point is old all throughout history. If you were truly "westernized" you would see people as individuals, not groups. I guess I shouldn't be so shocked to see a wanna be "westernized" Asian chick ragging on her own kind!!! What a joke.

Anonymous said...

wow. i feel like you're trying to be funny and witty, but fall grossly short.

please keep trying. i'm sure you'll get there someday. thank god you were an early googler. i don't think they hire folks like you anymore.

i think you should be vested, right? please don't quit to be a writer (or at least have a white man to support you if the options weren't enough, but i think you should be good).

Anonymous said...

i think it is sad how the western mainstream(american) media has not been able to portray asian male in a just, more realistic sense. you see little, if any, asian male appearances on tv, in movies, in music industry. if you see them you see kung fu masters, computer geeks/nerds or some wimp with bad english accent who acts all awkward infront of white females.
it is to be noted that asian females are a lot more ofeten seen in the media, and are often paired up with white males. there is hardly any asian male as role models. and think about cases such as william hung. he was made into a joke. this stereotyping towards asian males is in no way fair and has to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

It's bad enough that Western media is trying to control the sex of the Asian race. Making Asian men unattractive and over sexualizing Asian women. Now Asian women want to hate on Asian men publicly too? This is making me sick to my stomach!

Fine, generalize all Asian men, you must be very proud of you achievement. Some people like my sister is trying to cure cancer and you, you want to make it known that you don't like being Asian and would rather date White men so that you can fit in. Good job.

Anonymous said...

The same reason why I don't date Asian women... They're stuck up, full of themselves and quite bitchy! And on top of things, they don't have a clue about what they want in life (except money).

One good thing about Asian women though... they know how to suck cock (me love you long time!) LOL!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're field is in engineering. Maybe you should go buy some common sense because you just totally dissed...
1) your brother(s)
2) your father
3) your male relatives
4) Asians
5) yourself

Dont' you think people would see this blog as "Why I am a Stupid Asian Female"?

Anyways...let's generalize your kind. If you go to any personals and look around. You'll see a several ads for SAF looking for SWM, sometimes specifying preference of profession, car, and so on. I once saw an ad where an Asian girl only dates men who own German made vehicles just because that's a mark they are sucessful and all that in society.

Anyhow, what you wrote minus the Asian portion still sounds really stupid. Looks like as if you need a babysitter.

One last note, this is 2008 and aren't women suppose to be so much independent all that girl power bullshit. So...why are you all expecting this and that from men. If you're gonna wear the pants and be one of the boys in this world treat with the same respect and give us the flowers, open the door, buy dinner, and all things men have done for many many years. I am tired of seeing all this bull about how ladies are so independent but at the same time want to be treated like the old days. This is where I like the part of the blog that mentioned about the people from Denmark. Although....I have to admit I enjoy being the gentleman and opening doors for my lady. Give and take, that's how it should work, not take take want want me me crap.

Anonymous said...

hah i really dont care about this asian man,white man bull. But the comparisons are quite funny

niniane likes the attention..because we guys all know we are just doing all this crap to get into your pants.

congratulations to that guy, he just got laid.....many many times.

Anonymous said...

Do you iron your face in the morning?

Anonymous said...

Hello gentle writer. The real reason you don't date asian men is because you're an insecure douchebag with delusions of grandeur.

1) I noticed your first complaint was that you don't get enough compliments. Sorry Princess, did the Plastics make fun of your ugly little face too much growing up? Take heart, they were making fun of you because you're uglier than Roseanne's butt, not because you're Asian. But I know you didn't internalize it that way. Here's what you thought:

a) I'm ugly.
b) I'm Asian.
c) I must be ugly because I'm Asian.

So now with your newfound shame you went out and tried to fuck every nasty white dick you can find. Why is that? because you figured:

a) Most celebrities are white.
b) Most celebrities are good-looking.
c) Most white people are good-looking.

But "c" is a false conclusion. celebrities are an anomaly; a bad representative sample. But you didn't internalize it this way because you're stupid and your self-hatred made you blame everyone else for your ugliness instead of, well, your ugliness. You were blinded by the media as most girls are.

2) I find it funny you use the term "non-asian." Gentle writer, we both know you mean white. I don't have to know anything about you besides the fact that you're ugly and don't date asian doods to know this. Yeah sure maybe you dated a light-skinned hispanic dood who traces his ancestry back to Spanish royalty but that's about it. You have a pathetic colonial mentality. You're nothing more than a house slave, or a Vichy bitch fucking Nazi soldiers in WW2, or the Filipinos sucking Spanish cock after they became colonized.

3) Thus you came up with some silly pretexts for why you're not a self-hating bitch. But it's revealing that the pretexts you list show you up for the insecure neurotic cunt you are. I find it funny you've been bullied and made fun of by whites all your life, marginalized in the media, and yet you not only take it you revel in it. The white man bends you over, fucks you in the ass, and then you turn around and suck the shit off his dick.

Gentle writer, grow up.

Anonymous said...

Good on you girl. Im an asian male and don't date asian girls. I don't want to marry one either. Unless she is really really non-asian. But these kind of chicks don't dig asian males anyway. So.. no asians females in this life for me.
If I do date an asian female, it would probably be due to just making myself do the right thing in a particular situation. Nothing geniune.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get as many people as possible to complain to Google about you. There's no room in any corporation for racists such as yourself, albeit an Uncle Tom racist.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I agree it's 'Asian Princess Syndrome". Asian women are very materalistic and everything is about designer and being showy and better than other females. They date white males because of status.

They have been brainwashed by movies to think they are every white guy's fantasty and so by dating one they will be put on a pedestal and receive constant ego stroking.

Their self esteem is so low that nice asian guys won't cut it. They need a white bad boy jerk to tame in order to make themselves feel better.

I can't help but notice the majority of AF/WM couples have some ugly WM that would have a hard time finding a WF to date them.

Anonymous said...

Can someone repost her original post? I agree that we should report her racist post to google. Anyone know HR contact? if you do, please post it.

Anonymous said...

try here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to her post. i can see why her post caused quite a stir....I don't blame AM for criticizing your post, Ninaine. After 233 comments, there's not much i want to add that hasn't been posted already.

Niniane, I hope you can examine why there's such backlash against your post in the grand scheme of thing.

As for AMs, if there are AFs that will not date AMs for whatever reason, there's no need to be angry, just open your dating pool to include other races and improve yourself in every aspect to make you more attractive to the women.

Anonymous said...

I think you should also post a blurb explaining how it was just a joke. With a title like that and no real explanation as to what happened, some might take it at face value and really assume that you hate us Asian guys.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't date Asian men because she wants big cock. Big cock is on her brain and she gives brain only to big cock.

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