Friday, January 25, 2008

offspring ~ software

Today in the cafe I ran into a young Googler. We got to talking about his relationship, and he revealed that he's preparing to have kids soon.

Me: "Really? Are you ready for that?" [He's only 23.]

Him: "Is anyone ever ready?"

Me: "That's true."

Him: "It's like a work project, actually. You're not 100% sure that it'll work out, but you trust in the people doing it."



Piaw Na said...

Here's an ancient joke: "Programming is like sex: make one mistake and you'll have to support it for a lifetime."

Anonymous said...

Good plan. When the kids go off to college he'll be only 43-48, plenty of time to go off and do wild things.

Anonymous said...

If you have the means...I recommend early rather than late. Get'em outta the house so you can have fun in your later years.

I just had my 2nd and I'm 40...FTL!

Anonymous said...

Interfacing with machines seems like a refuge, a way of not being in the world. But we're all given our default allocation of time for stamp collecting, and I suppose it does not really matter what sort of stamps you collect. A few short decades after your passing, your existance will fade from the awareness of the world and it will be as if you were never born. Cupcakes for everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

Great joke Piaw Na! I hadn't heard that one before.

This post reminded me of my favorite Niniane Wang soundbite.

Anonymous said...

Hire me I work cheap...