He asks if I'd like to receive this T-shirt for my birthday:
"Of course not," I say. "Why would I wear such a mean shirt?"
His reply:
The inside joke is that the founder of myspace.com (a blog site),
automatically forces everyone who uses myspace to be his friend.
Thus, people were angry, and wore shirts such as: "Tom is NOT my
My answer to him:
I KNOW WHAT MYSPACE IS, TOM. You don't need to define it. I am not that out of touch with today's youth. I don't yet look like this:
I totally am out of touch with the ins and outs of myspace.
Darn kids these days.
I spend my time explaining what is MySpace to younger people--nothing to do with being old, just a tech- or Web2.0-oriented person. The only thing this could mean is that Google might not be communicating enough about Orkut (provided your brother is a potential user).
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