Saturday, April 18, 2009

american song titles can join candor club

Loli: "I'm beginning to listen to more chinese songs, because the lyrics are better."

Me: "Yeah. Chinese songs have titles like '月亮代表我的心' (The Moon Represents My Heart), '发如雪' (Hair like the Snow), '追风的少年' (Youth Chasing the Wind)."

Loli: [nodding]

Me: "American songs have titles like 'My Life Would Suck Without You'."


Wei said...

It is a good song!

N said...

But not poetic. I want to listen to eloquent lyrics, not lolsongz.

Philipp Lenssen said...

For some contrast, Beijing Bubbles is a (German) documentary about the punk music movement in China. Was kind of a disappointing film though, I turned it off around half-way because the interviewers didn't seem to do more than scratch the surface with their questions, often ending up just filming the people involved hanging out in cool poses.

Anonymous said...

liking j-pop

Michael_Kosw said...

Yea but chinese songs are kinda all like that LOL, poetic and all.
No offence though, i have some mandarin songs on my ipod.

American songs actually have a huge range, you have the emo rock type like Kelly's songs, then you have country which is my favourite (weird i know, but i love taylorswift and gloriana), then you have hip hops LOL, and lots more.... :-)

By the way Niniane, is it true that this year the number of companies offering intern and graduate positions on tech related field such as computerscience and IT has dropped significantly compared to engineering and finance/business ??

Avinash said...

That is so true,one of my fav song is "The Brilliant Green - Ash Like Snow"

Hans Nowak said...

Not to mention, titles like "Honky tonk badonkadonk" :-)

hand jive said...

Don't forget the Oz factor. There's a lot of great Australian music that is rarely heard outside the country. Try listening to the Melanie Oxley albums Welcome to Violet or Coal. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

right on!

Gerrit said...

You probably want something eloquent as "They're coming to take me away" ? :-P

N said...

re: Michael_Kosw. Your terms are pretty broad -- does "engineering" cover everything from chemical to electrical to aeronautical? Does finance include accountants?

In terms of computer science jobs, from what I can tell, positions are indeed sparser compared to previous years. There are still plenty, but students may have more actively network to hear about them.

N said...

Darn it, who is Loli in this post? I can't remember my own pseudonyms.