I was not as graceful as the woman depicted above.
Megan: "Shoulders over your wrists! Raise your leg! You're not raising your leg high enough! Are you listening to what I'm saying?"
Me: [struggling] "This is hard."
Megan: "I know you can figure this out! You went to Caltech."
Me: [out of breath] "We did not learn this at Caltech."
A better example of the Caltech lifestyle happened during a conversation last month with my college friend C3. He has always been an avid video game player, and would disappear for weeks after the release of a Blizzard title.
Me: "So do you play World of Warcraft?"
C3: "I stayed away from it, since I figured that would mark the end of my corporeal existence."
I told this later to Ono, who said while laughing, "Note how he says it's not the end of his entire existence, since he'll still have an existence through WoW."