A few months ago, I went to eat at NOMA with a few friends / former-colleagues from Minted. NOMA was previously ranked the #1 restaurant in the world. Now it's ranked #3.
We all watched a television show about NOMA's innovative food, and how they forage in the forest for ingredients.
This was the best dish. It was an onion. I know it doesn't look that great. But it WAS that great. It was by far the best onion I've ever eaten, and will ever eat. This was the onion to end all onions.

We toured the kitchen afterwards. They were probably extra nice to us because we couldn't remember whether it's customary to tip in Copenhagen, and Eric insisted to be on the safe side, we must all tip 20%.
When we got back to our lodgings, we discovered you don't need to tip in Copenhagen.
Eric got a ton of compliments from the kitchen staff on his Metallica T-shirt.

Making chocolate moss!

Interns coring apples in the kitchen.

They were growing herbs in their own little greenroom. They also had a pickling room.

We saw them plucking the ducks behind the restaurant, as we were walking in. They'd just hunted the ducks that morning. The ducks had a green head and brown chest. It's what you'd expect if you googled for an image of a duck. Anyway, the duck tasted like a standard smoked duck, but "more so".
This was some kind of egg drink. It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland.

Leaves foraged by their interns that morning!
After I got back to the US:
Brother: "So how was NOMA?"
Me: "So great. They deserve to be the top restaurant in the world."
Brother: "How would you compare it to French Laundry? You've been there, right?"
Me: "Once, many years ago. NOMA is more impressive because they made leaves and an onion taste incredible. I mean, anyone can make foie gras taste good, but it takes true genius to make an onion taste good."
Brother: "Oh, so French Laundry is just anyone now?"
The big white chunks are salt. The items in the middle are leaves. We used the sharpened stick as an eating utensil.
Copenhagen! We walked around and took boat rides. We were there for four days. I had a cold / flu the whole time.
It was lovely to go on an eating adventure with foodie friends. I'd totally go to another city to eat at a restaurant!