We only stayed in Luxembourg for one day. I really liked our hotel. It had nice lighting, and a free mini-bar of sparkling water and juices. I tried to drink everything in the mini-bar.

Fruit at the breakfast buffet.

Waffles and jams at our breakfast table. We sat and ate for over an hour.

A pretty church we went to. It was snowing outside.

In the afternoon, Tom decided that he wanted to see a museum with great architecture. We could spot it in the distance but couldn't see a straightforward path there. We started to walk in that direction.
We walked for 45 minutes. One cab passed us during that time but wouldn't stop. Finally we came to a set of ice-covered steps. A sign indicated these were the right steps to the museum. But when my brother tried climbing the steps, they were too slippery from ice.

We kept walking, up a snowy incline, which eventually led to these train tracks. We could see footsteps leading to the tracks, and the other side of the tracks seemed to be a path to the museum. We then had a debate about whether to cross the tracks.
My mother thought it would be fine. My dad loudly proclaimed that it was an absurd idea. He said, "Tomorrow the newspapers are going to carry the headline 'Chinese Tourists Found Dead on Train Tracks; Motives Unclear'. They'll speculate on why this Chinese family was crossing the tracks. To steal a national treasure? Suicide? No one is going to guess that it's to see this museum."

Finally we gave up, and walked 45 minutes back to the hotel.

My brother and dad sitting in the lobby of the hotel.