Saturday, April 10, 2010

i can sing (proof)

After my three singing lessons, I can now sing. It's still not GOOD, but at least people won't listen to me finish a song and ask, "What song were you trying to sing exactly?"

I'd say my singing was previously a F, and now a C-. That's a lot of improvement!

For all those who said "mp3 or it didn't happen":


  1. To be honest, it's hard to tell without a before & after if your singing has indeed improved! Especially since you are singing an unfamiliar song in Chinese! We'll have to take you at your word - congrats!

  2. Hey Niniane! (Long time. It's Akrypti.) I had to comment because that is the only song in Mandarin I can karaoke to! Zhu fu! Love it!!!!

  3. Explain what you think has changed and why.


  4. That's quite good! :)

  5. Is Mandarin Chinese your second language? It sounded a bit off to me.

  6. Mandarin is my first language, and English is my second language!

    My mandarin is unaccented, so the problem must lie elsewhere. ;)

  7. Excellent -- me voice still doesn't vary more than one octave.

  8. Hrm. C- sound about right.

  9. Since I don't speak Mandarin.

    What song were you trying to sing exactly?


    We need proof in English too!

  10. you still suck.

  11. There is no crescendo or accent to your singing. It seems like you are reading instead of singing(although with very good emotional expression). I blame your Mandarin pronounciation which is definitely sounds like an ABC (American Born Chinese).
    Hey maybe your hearing is getting worse. This may be the reason why you thinking you are singing better.

  12. I agree there is no crescendo or phrasing to my singing. Right now it's all a series of barely-connected notes. As I am growing more comfortable projecting my voice, I'm working on adding phrasing.

    My Mandarin pronunciation is perfect and has no ABC accent.

    Thank you for the compliment on my emotional expressions.

  13. "My Mandarin pronunciation is perfect and has no ABC accent."

    Really? 命天还是明天?

    Stop hurting peoples ears!

  14. You’re doing just fine. Once, during an argument, a singer got really angry at me and said, “It’s easy for you on stage, you get to hide behind your bass guitar. All I’ve got are my f***king gonads!”

    I really do think singing is hard so keep it up.

    ps – your gonads rock!

  15. you are doing great!
    btw, saw you at Apple cafeteria this week, hope someday I will get to know you and your brother.

  16. Yay, thank you for the encouragement!

    I was indeed at the Apple cafeteria on Tuesday, visiting my friend. The salmon sandwich and papaya fruit at the Apple cafe were pretty good!

  17. Hmm, need a lot of practice on wen bie. Ha ha.

  18. I do need practice on Wen Bie, but this song is Zhu Fu, not Wen Bie.

  19. Are you William Hung?


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