Tuesday, April 13, 2010

previous years went to "The Matrix" and "Crash"

Coffee with CM.

Me: "I want to see this J. Lo movie, 'The Backup Plan'."

CM: "Is that the one with Steve Carrell?"

Me: "No, that's 'Date Night'. By the way, The Backup Plan is not about backing up your data."

CM: "I would be stunned if it were. Can you imagine? [in theatrical voice] 'And the Academy Award... for Best Software Advice ... goes to The Backup Plan!"

Me: [laughing]

CM: "'... for ushering in a new age of software data protection.'"

1 comment:

  1. "By the way, The Backup Plan is not about backing up your data."

    That was funny. I laughed out loud when I read that.

    When I heard Hollywood was making a movie about the Titanic, I was like, don't we already know what's going to happen?

    Maybe Cameron can use his magic to make a romantic 3D adventure movie about backing up your data set in Silicon Valley.


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