Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Cooking is surprisingly enjoyable. I am shocked at how happy it makes me.

Is it because I feel more in-control of what I eat, and people feel happier when they have more control? Or do I enter a flow state when cooking? Is it because I am in the steep part of the learning curve and am improving noticeably?

Tonight I rolled my own pie dough and baked a sweet potato pie. I am delighted with how it turned out, though a true baker would likely find my crust too grainy. I made it a half whole wheat crust.

This time I followed the recipe and it tastes very sugary to me. I can't wait to make it again and use just a bit of organic maple syrup in place of sugar.

The crust has 8 tablespoons of butter. Wonder how I could make that healthier.


  1. indifferent children1/17/2012 7:18 AM

    > The crust has 8 tablespoons of butter. Wonder how I could make that healthier.

    Bah! I'm sure that the *original* recipe (perhaps lost in the mists of time) called for 9 tablespoons of lard! :-)

  2. Yum! Are those pear slices? You might try replacing the butter with a lower fat margarine, although I imagine the texture of the crust would turn out differently. I have also heard of people pulverizing grapenuts to make pie crusts, but I'm not sure what (if any) binding agent they use to hold it all together. Cooking is quite fun. I make all of my food for the week on Sunday, and that is a LOT of cooking--and dishes! :)


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