Sunday, January 22, 2012


All my life, I detested jogging. I would see people out running along the Embarcadero, and it boggled my mind. How can they do this painful thing every day?

Then Nike would have advertisements implying that people weren't just gritting their teeth forcing one foot after the other, but they actually ENJOYED it.

I figured it is a strange inexplicable phenomenon. "Runners high" was an oxymoron to me.

But then Nm (work colleague) explained that it is like getting into the flow state, like how programmers enter the Zone. Music helps, she explained.

Suddenly it was in language I could understand! I thought back to the only two times I have ever enjoyed running: the Palo Alto Moonlight Run. Nm helped me decipher the critical components:

- one clear running path with no confusion where to go, no stopping for red lights or cars

- beautiful natural scenery

- listening to good music

So we put those three components together, and jogged along Crissy Field.

OMG it is a different world.

I got home and immediately texted her asking when we could go again. As soon as she responded, I set up calendar requests for the next two Sundays. I was actually counting down the days to it.

Today she is sick, and it is pouring rain outside, and I am still debating whether to go do a short jog myself.

Thank you Apple, MOG, and Sam Francisco for making the 3 elements feasible.

I wish they taught in school how to make jogging enjoyable.

I am going to buy nice running shoes next, and fancy jogging clothes instead of using free t-shirts. Excited! Power over 9000!


  1. dont need 2 run every day. every other day is better.

  2. welcome to the club! it's not always easy, but when you can get into flow like that, running is awesome.

    one of my favorite places for meditative, alone-with-my-thoughts flow running is the palo alto baylands preserve, between shoreline and the PA airport:

    take the land bridge on the west side of charleston lake all the way out to the bay, then head up the coast and wander. it's far away from buildings and noise and (mostly) other people. i love the haunted, desolate feeling, especially around sunset.

  3. Ryan, that baylands preserve is the place where I had my experience on the Palo Alto Moonlight Run!

  4. Well, I am still on the other side - and I am afraid I'll stay there. I do enjoy nice scenery, though and music, too.
    Greetings from Germany, Ash


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