Saturday, December 24, 2011

gratitude day 22: Tom humor

13-hour plane ride was much more fun with my brother.

Me: "My hair isn't as poufy as before." 

Tom: "你老不pouf ,头发就说:“哪好,我也不 pouf 了.” ("You keep not poufing it, so the hair said, I see how it is, I'm not going to pouf either then.")


Talking about Tom's friend KS, who I met this year and started hanging out with at events.

Tom: "KS says to me, 'Tom, you're so awesome! Awesome like your sister!' [smiling, shaking head] I remember the days when it was 'Niniane is so awesome! Awesome like you, Tom!'"


Discussing going to Mexico in 2012.

Tom: "Why is it cheaper to rent a house in May? Is it too hot?"

Me: "Yes."

Tom: "They have air conditioning. Joke's on them! We're going to use a lot of their air conditioning."

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