Friday, December 23, 2011

gratitude day 21: circle time

Today was such a celebratory day! 

Our sysadmin brought in Tartine pastries and put them on JH's desk. JH is on a flight to the East Coast.

JH (in chatroom): Whaaaat! My desk was never so delicious while I was there.

W: Maybe the desk can only hold a single one of the items from this list at a time:
1. JH
2. Pastries
In the early afternoon, we held Circle Time at Minted. We sat in a huge circle and shared our retrospective. The people who have been with the company during previous Christmas seasons shared their stories, and then we took turns describing our most memorable moments of the season.

At 5:30pm, the management team went to Barrique (wine bar) to bond and talk about 2012.

Grateful for colleagues who make me smile so many times per day.

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