Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hollywood separations

Scarlett Johanssen and Ryan Reynolds are getting divorced. I'm sure most of you have no idea who these celebrities are. But I am saddened by this. There are so many Hollywood splits recently.


  1. What? Every dude knows who Scarlett is.

  2. Very hard when so many people throw themselves at you while your significant other is not around, which is a lot of the time since movie shoots can mean months at a time apart.

    No excuse, just the facts.

  3. Very hard when so many people throw themselves at you while your significant other is not around, which is a lot of the time since movie shoots can mean months at a time apart.

    No excuse, just the facts.

  4. Yeah, I think every guy knows who Scarlett Johanssen is. And Ryan Reynolds has been in a ton of popular movies.

  5. did even know they were together. not that is matters. I think it would be sad if there were kids and they split. But if there are no kids then it should be a win-win. No losers. Unless if one is still secretly in love with the other. But that should pass quickly. Billions of people in the world to choose from.

  6. I'm surprised no one asked you the question that comes to my mind:

    Niniane, why does this make you sad?

  7. this made me sad and happy at the same time. sad bc i think they are both hot and should procreate. happy bc i thought.. maybe i have a chance with one of them?

  8. @Adam Lasnik Maybe Niniane is not married.

  9. You do realize that every celebrity marriage is contracted and agreed to beforehand by their publicists, from marriage date to divorce date and which magazine will cover the interviews and how much each will be paid?


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