Sunday, December 05, 2010


I wish I could wear a hat every day. But it would be weird if everyone else is in jeans and I'm wearing a hat. It's stifling that it's only really acceptable to wear a huge hat one day out of the year.

What can I do to create occasions where it's acceptable to wear a huge Victorian-style hat?


  1. Host a murder mystery dinner set in victorian times

  2. "It's stifling that it's only really acceptable to wear a huge hat one day out of the year."

    What day is that???

    Your friend with the pastel colored shirt is stunning...

  3. Yes, I agree my pastel-shirt friend is gorgeous. Even more so in person.

  4. You now live in one of the most tolerant-of-personal-eccentricity cities in the world... If you can't wear big hats every day there, where can you?

  5. :(
    The images are flagged as:
    "Warning, unapproved content. Adult/Mature; Social/Living"

    Our filtering folks are apparently not fans of living or being social.

  6. @niniane: arguably easter too.

  7. Do you have a hat fetish? Do you, huh?

  8. Funny, I thought about Halloween as soon as I hit "Publish your comment."

    We live in a free country - you can wear a hat any time of the year. There is no fashion police!

  9. You could go to the Kentucky Derby every year too.

  10. It would be a privilege to hear your views on this year's Nobel peace prize.


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