Saturday, December 23, 2006

tormenting Tom with hot dog

Ever since my brother Tom watched me eat a spotted puppy in 2004, he warns me sometimes, "Don't eat any dogs at dinner tonight!"

His worry became exacerbated tenfold this week. We're in Beijing, the land of plentiful dog meat. I'm working from the Google Beijing office, and my family is here doing their own thing. Next week we'll travel together around China.

Thursday, I went to a goodbye dinner for Sha-mayn, who's flying to Singapore for Christmas. I invited Tom but he was unreachable, wandering through bakeries and DVD shops.

Walking into the restaurant, this banner greeted us:

"Dog meat boils three times, even goddesses can't sit still." The second line: "Country-style dog meat, with skin still on. Will give you infinite remembrance of the taste."

And here it is! A bubbling pot of dog meat.

I took a three-photo sequence in order to show Tom when I got back to the hotel. Pre-eating:

During eating:

Post-eating. Note the plate of bones from dear Fluffy. Or was it Rover?

With my dining companions. Six Google engineers, a recruiter, and a wife.


  1. I came across your blog about a month ago and found it very interesting. I bookmarked it and read your posts everyday until today but will not from tomorrow.

    How could you eat a dog ? I just do not understand the psychology. Very disappointed.

  2. You hardly ever hear people saying: How could you eat that chicken? Or that fat pig? Or that cow?

    What's with that discrimination?

  3. Yeah, such discrimination! Why not eat a human while you're at it?

  4. i would never eat a dog but i agree with the 2nd anon in that what's the diff between eating a cow and a dog?

  5. Does it taste as good as it looks? Bring some dog back for me!

  6. I like eating humans. Mmm.

  7. You have to admit, eating people would be less wasteful. Naturally, programmers and accountants would be the veal calves of the world, with athletes and construction workers providing the stringy, lower-quality cuts (although properly crosscut and marinated, they'd make excellent jerky).
    Frank Herbert had quite a bit to say about the wisdom of eating people in his book, Hellstrom's Hive. Not a bad read, if you can track down a copy.

    I believe Lewis and Clark ate dog on several occasions, and actually preferred it to the meat of horses, deer and elk. Commented that the men tended to be healthier when fed on a regular diet of dog, probably owing to the better marbling.

  8. Eating humans rather than other species increases chances of getting disease. Dogs aren't humans and thus fair game.

    I envy you Niniane! Haven't been able to find dog meat in America.

  9. Niniane does this just to get a reaction, I would expect nothing less. She must not be getting the page hits with her buttaface.

  10. Haha! You roxor!

  11. How about eating aborted babies?

  12. I am always amused by your dog-eating posts. This one didn't disappoint, though I am still disappointed that you didn't eat any camels during your recent holiday in Egypt.

  13. All you moral prudes need to get off your high horse. How many of you eat beef?

    And of course because you're all so culturally narrow minded, instead of thinking about how people live different lives you're going to say how hindu people are just crazy.

    I'd never eat a dog myself but you guys need to get a grip.

    That being said I still think the most disgusting food ever invented is tofu. I've had viet noodles, beef stomach, chicken feet, sea cucumber, lotta stuff in there....

  14. eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, sick!

  15. My family in Indonesia is a Batak tribe. Eating dog is a normal behaviour like u eating chicken, cow, or pig in my tribe.

    But, i have a dog since when i was 5 y/o and always named it Nero, Otis, or Albert.

    It is hard for me to to join my family dinner with a hot pot dog (Nero, Otis, or Albert friends) in the table.

    But i've never complaining my family for eating dog. Dog is my friend. And friend don't eat friend.

    Have a good happy vacation.

    "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007"

  16. @metal - While you are "open-minded" on the subject of food sources, I bet there are plenty of other things where you think your opinion on the subject is the right one. Becareful throwing things like that out, you are more likely to be a hypocrite.

  17. Immigrant sister compared to American brother...

    You can take the girl out of the trailer park...

    But you can never take the trailer park out of the girl...

  18. Niniane is a bitch and that exlpains why she eats dogs.

  19. stop the personal attack guys, she has the freedom to eat what ever and post what ever, if you don't like than don't read it.

  20. What's the problem with eating aborted babies? They're just going in the trash anyway. Eating them is the most useful thing you can do with them!

  21. Anonymous said...
    @metal - While you are "open-minded" on the subject of food sources, I bet there are plenty of other things where you think your opinion on the subject is the right one. Becareful throwing things like that out, you are more likely to be a hypocrite.

    12/24/2006 4:49 PM

    First of all let me congradulate you on a completely original and insightful response.
    Certainly the attitude that "everyone who disagrees with me is a hypocrite" is a totally mature attitude that will help you accomplish many things in life.

    Do us all a favor. Dont go off spouting the first big word you hear every day. Everyones a hypocrite including you. So dont go lecturing me about that.

  22. > Niniane is a bitch and that exlpains why she eats dogs.

    lol. So you're saying it's a dog-eat-dog world out there.


  23. But the sign said "...even a goddess can't sit still." Were you able to sit still Niniane?

  24. Wow Niniane you gained a lot of weight since I saw you in 2004. Must be the dog! haha.
    Well just semi - kidding, about the dog: Chinese eat dogs, Vietnamese eat half born chickens.. so what!


  25. Dog may seem odd but...

    Almost all people eat eggs...

    A chickens menstral cycle for gods sake...

    That seems quite odd when you think about it.

  26. Geez, Niniane, is it end-of-year-try-to-increase-pageviews time again? :P

    It is? Well, recommendation for next comment-bait:
    "Niniane Eats Fluffy Bunnies!"

    So cute. So helpless. So tasty! :)

    (just don't let them hop out of the pot)

  27. Poor metal, it sounds like someone hit a little close to home. What word or words did the other anonymous poster use that you think are "big" words? Maybe Santa Claus will get you one of those word a day calendars.

  28. Just started reading this blog.


    Mensa qualified woman.

    Torturing her younger brother.

    An obvious playful / sadastic side.

    Definitely ATM friendly.

    I like her more everyday :-)

  29. For those of you wondering what the last anonymous was on about.

  30. If you ever saw "Clerks II"
    The dialogue about ATM with Rosario Dawson was so funny.

  31. I am an American and proud to have the guts to try a traditional food item. If you really dig into why dog is fair game you will realize that it started due to lack of other food. Also don't forget that it is considered food all over the world not just asia.

  32. You said,"whats the differance between eating cow and dog." The differance is that we have dogs as pets and every dog owner would understand that if you love a dog it makes them think that you are eating your dog or a dog like your dog and who in the right mind would want to eat there own dog. If you want to eat your own dog there is something very wrong with you and you belong in a bedlam.


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