Tuesday, December 05, 2006

people are unpredictable

I was propped against the upstairs railing at Mezzanine on Saturday night, when Omar told me that Peter is moving to Korea. [Peter = my ex, for you new readers.]

Peter doesn't speak Korean. He's never talked about friends in Korea. His work project has nothing to do with Asia. But he decided to move there for four months, and work from the Google Korea office.

That was surprising.

Tonight I got an email from a certain girl, gushing about how she just got engaged. That's great, but ... WTF? Just two months ago she wanted me to date her, and within this brief time she met someone else and got engaged?

Next thing you know, my brother is going to announce that he's gay, and then Google will acquire Microsoft and we'll port our servers to run on Vista. Because apparently I can't predict worth crap about what will happen in the future.



    it's very hard to truely understand people and harder to predict what they gonna do

    and the hardiest is to understand girls, and I'm not saying that because I'm a guy, a lot of girls I know does not understand girls

    and all this remember me about the chaos theory, are people even more complex than chaos ? :D

  2. I hope your brother isn't gay and has yet to come out.

  3. No, not Vista!!

    Also, that sure is curious news about Peter. Totally didn't see that one coming...

  4. Dude, you never told us about that girl!

    And, why are you paying so much attention to this ex.

  5. Niniane is gay?

  6. You're right, I never would have predicted you'd post this! :)

  7. I didn't realize that N is bi.

  8. LOL. Isn't it obvious? Peter caught yellow fever. Personally I would go for Japanese women, but maybe he couldn't get into that office. LOL.

  9. I met Peter once at a Google dinner, and he definately has yellow fever.

    Korea will be fun for him :)

  10. not over the ex, huh?

  11. Really Ninian is gay? Or is simple fiction as part of the last post? I have no idea of this!

  12. I'm sorry. I'd eat ice cream with you. Or pie.

  13. I just landed here. Geeze, this is all so com.pli.cated!

  14. What is so suprising about a guy wanting a little adventure.. And If he should get a little yellow fever...It is a well known fact that Korean women have the most ample bosom in the Asain genre.

    :-P :-P

  15. OK, Am I crazy or what ?? I thought Peter was gay ? Or Hassan ?
    Ninian, pls tell us once for all.

  16. did you really mean "asked me to date her," cause that's hot!!

    and i think its more likely for microsoft to acquire google then the other way around.

  17. Can you please remove the part about me moving to Korea because 1) it's false and 2) so that people will stop asking me about it. Thanks Niniane

  18. Hey Niniane, forget about the ex, and the confused, couldabeen girl/friend. Expect tempest and turbulence in your lovelife, at least until you enter the realm of the lonely 30-somethings. It could be worse - nothing could be happening...

    If it gets too frustrating, hop on a plane and come to Australia. I'll be more than pleased to help you blow away some of those cobwebs :)

    - S

  19. Niniane, I want your friend Ming.

    What should I do?

  20. "I can't predict worth crap"

    Crap is the one thing everybody can predict ;)


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