Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pie #6

I came into work to find a beautiful Marie Callendar's pie box on my desk. A handwritten post-it note on top, "Congratulation on winning the bet. -- Steve".

It's very like Steve to leave off the "s" in "congratulations" in order to save time. He's the type of person to alias "ls" to "l" in order to save typing.

It was my pie #6 for winning my bug bet with Steve. I assumed that I forfeited the last five pies when I transitioned off the Desktop Search team. But now, two years later, here is another pie.

I sent out email inviting coworkers to come share in the pie, but there were almost no takers.

Unfortunately, today I decided to start a food journal for my personal trainer. Despite all my original insistence of no nutrition advice, I decided to ask her for suggestions on WHAT to eat (but not WHEN to eat -- there is a big difference!). So far, the food journal looks like this:

10:00am - 1 piece of custard pie
10:30am - 1 piece of custard pie
12:15pm - 1 piece of custard pie
1:30pm - sushi roll
4:00pm - 1 piece of custard pie
7:30pm - 3/4 chicken burrito


  1. That's enviable day's diet. Not sure if half a custard pie and the sushi roll make good stomach pals...

    And I think your co-workers didn't go for a piece of the pie because they didn't want to end up in a blog post.

  2. Ah oh Niniane. This is your Trainer. I heard about this entry from another person (the cutest engineer Google has ever, ever, ever hired) and had to see it for myself. I guess I'm just going to have to really make you suffer today at our workout. Hope you can keep the smile on your face. Haha!


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