Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Reading rainbow

I've read 160 books since the pandemic started. Others baked bread or played Animal Crossing, and I ended up reading. 

I read some analyses of our society, some novels, and some history. I read about the pasts of Kenya and Spain and New Zealand and South Africa.

It is disillusioning to read history -- all the colonizing and exploiting women & locals. My optimism about the world has decreased. But hopefully I will arrive at a deeper happiness someday as a result. Fingers crossed. 

My friend Piaw reads 85 books per year, including in pre-covid years. I like having a friend who is more well-read than me! We discuss books sometimes. 


  1. You're managing to read quite a few books I don't quite cover, like the history of Spain. I get a number of book recommendations from Ezra Klein's podcasts. At the end of his interviews he always asks "What 3 books would you recommend to our listeners."

  2. Just because it's about NZ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgZT0_8Hpw0


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