Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tough Mudder

My brother has been training all year to run a Tough Mudder.  It is a 10-mile race with 20+ obstacles like crawling through mud and over 10-foot-tall walls.  I decided to support him as a spectator.

Then I decided I might as well join myself too!  So I signed up as a participant.

Tom's very buff coworkers joined our team.

The night before, we stayed at a lovely AirBnb house with a pool. We drank wine and ordered a pizza.

I got to watch my first League of Legends game. My brother had to play a game immediately, in order to not "decay" from Diamond League to Platinum. This was tremendously important.

We scoured the AirBnb house looking for a mouse, but there was none. So he had to play on the Macbook trackpad! It was painful. Even as a noob, I could tell he was misfiring everywhere.

The start of the race!  Our team is called "I Thought This was a 5k".

It was the day after Halloween, so some of us were in costume.

Post-race!  (Some people are already drinking beer and not pictured.)

The most memorable obstacle was sliding into an ice bath.

The second was the "Berlin Wall", where I somehow climbed over a 10-foot wall with no help.  I was surprised that I was able to do it, even while I did it.  It had tiny, nearly invisible, footholds between the wall planks.

I came home and promptly developed a sinus infection for a week.  It has been really disgusting.

It was a bonding experience, and I'm very glad I did it.  I don't think I'd ever do it again though, due to the sinus infection.

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