Thursday, December 08, 2011

gratitude day 5

Today I started eating fennel out of my Farm Fresh to You delivered box of vegetables.  It tastes amazing.

Melissa at work asked me, "I thought you were so enthralled with"

I said, "Oh I am."

Melissa: "But you got a delivery from their competitor?"

Me: "There was a groupon for FarmFreshForYou."

Melissa: "Yes.  [revealing deep understanding of me]  Yes, of course there was."

So I am grateful for amazing fresh fennel, and for a friend at work whom I love dearly.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend fennel salad with walnuts and oranges. I had it once at an Italian restaurant on Sunset Blvd, and I've never looked at fennel the same way since.


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