Sunday, December 18, 2011

gratitude day 16: secretariat

Today I'm grateful for two things:

  1. I was so exhausted that I skipped all optional activities this weekend. I always wanted to have a long stretch at home where I read books and watched movies, but was afraid it would be boring. It wasn't! It was amazing and deeply fulfilling.
  2. I watched "Secretariat" on netflix streaming. I was inspired that Secretariat's owner Penny Chenery is so steely and determined after 18 years of being a housewife. Her self-resolve was not beaten down by the doubts of her husband and brother teaming up to talk her down.

    I wish that my mother had the arena to set a world record the way that Penny Chenery did. I'm sure that my mom could've. She is a lot like the movie characterization of Penny. My mother just didn't have an amazing horse. Maybe my brother or I could try to be the horse, ha.

    Afterwards I read the real story of Secretariat on wikipedia and it was just as good as the movie!

    Sometimes reading the true story is a big disappointment after watching the movie, like when I learned that "Coco Chanel" fabricated the part where Coco's big love of her life proposed to her. Or how Erin Brokovich's boyfriend was a deadbeat who tried to profit off her fame, rather than the sweet stepdad from the movie. Or how the elves of Rivendell totally did not go to Rohan to help them guard against the Orcs. Historical accuracy, people!

    This totally did not happen. The elf-human alliance came much later!

    But the real story of Secretariat is just as good. Winning by 31 lengths to secure the Triple Crown! From housewife to first lady of horseracing!

1 comment:

  1. If you are a fan of Coco Channel, you might want to know that according to newly published biography, Coco was a huge anti-semite and a possible Nazi collaborator...


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