Saturday, September 03, 2011

Retrospective on survival school

It has been 2.5 weeks since returning from survival school.  I called Nikhil last week and we had a nice chat about how the course removed mental limitations that we erected around themselves.  In life, we often constrain ourselves with "I can't fast for 36 hours while hiking 10 miles uphill." Or "I couldn't walk 25 miles in a single day." Or "I would go crazy being alone in the wilderness for 24 hours."  These are simply not true.   Every one of us could do it.

Nikhil revealed that he lent me the hat, poncho, and cup to make me more committed to going.  It worked!

I have taken some actions as a result of survival school.  I am addicted now to local organic produce, and get it delivered weekly.  I drink more water.  I stopped spending any attention on status within my work industry.  I am flying to Chicago tomorrow to visit Nina, a classmate from the course.  I messaged two volunteers who are leading Habitat for Humanity courses in 2012.  I am still exercising 3 times per week.

I highly recommend survival school.  I want to go back one day and take another course, maybe the 14-day or survival rescue.

Stay hungry.  Stay foolish!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Done and done! :-)

    Once a month you could plan a day trip out into the mountains for a leisurely hike, and occasionally practice some of your skills just to keep them sharp. You live in a state with lots of beautiful places to walk, maybe you could drag some friends along too.


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