Friday, August 19, 2011

Survival school journal: Tuesday afternoon

We walked for most of the day, in canyons of red rock.

From my journal in the late afternoon:
I've been designing product features in my head, and it is motivational even if I can't get to it for a while.

We are about to purify water from still pools. It looks as though there are many flies and much sediment. Let's see how well the water purification works.

We walked through pretty red canyons. It feels like if we round the corner, we can free James Franco's arm.

Wow, turns out one of the still pools has very clear water, even clearer than the running stream.

Walking uphill on an empty stomach requires taking breaks, but walking on flat terrain is easy, even though we haven't eaten for over 24 hours. My headache was gone when I woke up this morning. My body feels light and full of energy. I feel as though I'm gliding through the canyon.

Nina (woman from Chicago) is beaming the whole day.


Steve the head guide told me they have a hunter-gatherer course. It sounds awesome! You bring no outside food, and only eat rodents, small game, and fish that you catch.

I slightly miss being clean, and sleeping on clean sheets.

It really seems unfathomable that I eat such junk, like mac 'n' cheese, and everything at Beretta. Even their brussel sprouts are fried!

One student is talking a lot about food, and another is being snappy (including at me). I am bothered by the unwelcoming vibe, but am still feeling energetic and happy.

My stomach hurts. Is this "hunger pains"?

1 comment:

  1. "We walked through pretty red canyons. It feels like if we round the corner, we can free James Franco's arm."



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