Sunday, May 22, 2011


Which of these two photos would be better as a 16x20 canvas hanging on my wall?




  1. A, but the girl in the middle of the picture would better be PS off.

  2. I also vote for A, but maybe just because I fail to see the beauty of photo B

  3. A, but disgree with the last comment - the person in the middle makes the picture look interesting (otherwise you can just blow up any random postcard of europe).

  4. B, definately B. Although less of scenery the railroad tracks lead the eyes into the picture making it more "exciting" too look at.

  5. A is the preferred choice. However, it still needs to have a better crop to remove the lampost(?) on the left edge. Also, it could do with a few tweaks to the color and contrast. And the person in the shot is need to remove.

    B would be better off as a black and white shot but is still a poorer choice because the vanishing point is too far to the right.

  6. A...has to be - more pleasing ones, colours, and the girl in the middle...although I would fancy re-cropping to lost some of the sky and move the girl away from the centre of the picture...and maybe some processing to bring out the red of her coat...

  7. Neither is all that exciting. The first one is washed out while the second one is of nothing interesting.

    I guess A by default.

  8. A. Because the splash of red on the girl in the middle adds a point of interest in an otherwise monochrome panarama. B. Has no point of interest.

  9. Definitely B in B&W, maybe that's why B is a choice of this question.

  10. A! Love the red-jacketed photographer.

  11. Neither. If you want to accomplish your bucket wish list, which includes falling in love and having a family, how would hanging a giant picture of snow, gravels, and fallen leaves in the despair of winter improve your fung shui?

    Get a clue!!! Get some pink roses and put it next to your bed, OK?

  12. I don't like any of them. Where in your home are you going to hang it?

  13. None, they're both crap.

  14. Gloomy beyond belief. Get something that radiates sunshine and affirms life.


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