Monday, February 07, 2011

chinese commercial about IM

I like the scene where you see the mom's QQ instant messager friend list, and it only has 1 contact (her son).


  1. Thanks a million for posting this.

    That is the best advertisement I have seen all my life.

    Thanks again so very much.

  2. Tear jerking for sure, but really? Really? :)

    And luckily they didn't talk about empty chairs or else the connection would drop...

  3. Glad you liked the commercial!

  4. i read a lot of yours...
    but my hearty thank u for this ...

  5. Delightful! Great story.
    It kind of reminded me this:

    I guess those kinds of commercials only see light on the net.

    Using same media that sometimes withdrawn kids and teens from this cyberage away from their formal traditional scheme of family contact/union, it´s a really good way to have them think deeply about those roles..

  6. Wow, that pantene commercial was really touching. Do you think she could hear a little bit? Maybe just not a lot. Otherwise why bother playing if you can't hear it and enjoy it?

    Also, it seems like breaking and taping up the violin would completely destroy the sound.

  7. This is such a lame commercial--shamelessly targeting the older generation, i.e., Chinese parents and grand parents in particular.

    Western shrinks would have a field day with this--as much as younger women would freak out over such a love triangle.

    Seriously, if I was the guy's prospective girlfriend, I'd be completely freaked by the young man's opening confession his mom is the closest relation that he has in life!!!!

    WTF! YUCK!!!!!

    And look at the guy! The guy is completely virginal. He's at least 18, physically grown, with male genitalia, presumbaly with adult male's physiology yet he looks and acts like a child (except his voice done over which sounds like he's 40). Why wouldn't Chinese parents let their kids grow up?

    He sit at Butler Library on the Columbia campus, delivers take out on a bike, and then all of the sudden he's at some multinational firm working full time...yet...still looking like an Asian Pop Star??????? Yeah right--his American male colleagues take this boy dude seriously.

    Who shot this? A chinese marketing firm no doubt. This commercial would NEVER fly for an US audience. A lame commercial for a lame comapany named QQ.

    Stupid ads like this remind me of stupid western ads about life in China. Stupid Chinese ads about life in the US are just as dumb grrrrr.

  8. "The guy is completely virginal."


  9. thanks again. I read ur blogs, they are quite good.
    but though this one is just a "link-blog", I think this one ur best blog ever.
    It made me write my first sonnet about my mom.
    Lastly, some m**ons commenting here like anything. But, the thing is the theme of this ad isn't comprehensible to who don't love or never left their moms back in a far home.
    Thank u

  10. It't really a great ad. really!


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