Sunday, September 26, 2010

too small > too large

I realized a moment ago that living in a house that's too big bothers me much more than living in a place that's slightly too small.

I got another crash pad in San Francisco, this time near Coit Tower for a couple of months. It is very small, roughly the size of a hotel room. It's on a hill and has a great view of the city. I really like it!

My parents live in Vegas, where real estate used to be inexpensive, and two of their friends bought 8000 sq ft houses. Then their son went to college, so it was just the two of them in this house. That is a large home! Seems like it would feel so un-cozy as your footsteps echo around the uninhabited rooms.


  1. In some markets, only the large houses are well maintained. I looked for a smaller house since it's just me, but couldn't find anything in a decent area.

  2. Yeah, I have the same conclusion. Bought a 3k+ sq ft home, lived in it, got lonely and tired of the maintenance associated with the square footage. Seems like it is exponential, the more square footage you own the more little tasks you have to deal with for normal upkeep. Now I rent a 2br townhouse. It's different if you have kids/family. Smaller = more freedom. I would add renting is a lot easier than owning. larry page said the same thing ~10 y ago when he was single.

  3. How about getting marry and have kids to fill the empty house?

  4. But is the "crash pad" better because it's smaller? Or because it's in the city?

  5. Las Vegas has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation and Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the country - I think housing has come down quite a bit.

    There may still be some McMansions, but you can find plenty of cheap houses in the Las Vegas area.

  6. wow you are blessed by god, i live in a third world country where owning a house is only dream for the most of population...let me share the happiness you got


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