Saturday, July 03, 2010

iceland gay marriage

This is great!

Iceland Legalizes Gay Marriage, Prime Minister Marries Partner

Iceland has not only legalized gay marriage this past weekend, but its Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir married her long-term partner on the day it took effect, making her the world's only national leader with a same-sex spouse

Original article.


  1. You just think it's great because someone got married.

  2. The only person you're ever really married to is yourself. All the rest is negotiable...

  3. If I'm married to myself, I want a divorce RIGHT NOW.... I can't stand that lunatic... :)

  4. Here is what the Bible says about homosexuality:

    Romans 1: 26,27 ... God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    Reading these verses, and seeing what's happening in our present day world, we get some sense that God's judgment day is about to happen...

    p.s. As someone who has similar background as yourself, I didn't use to know the Truth; but the Bible changed me. Maybe you can consider what the Bible has to say (not the churches).

  5. M,

    Yup - must be the homos ruining everything, not our greedy/corrupt/incompetent leaders!

    Unless you are talking about the stream of god-fearing values preaching republicans coming out of the closet... Ok, I'll make an exception for Bawney Frank!

    Sometimes I think Bill Maher goes way overboard with his religulous stuff - and then I am reminded... (and I was raised roman catholic)

    (omg the captcha words are getting longer every day - pretty soon we'll have to type an essay to prove we're not a bot)

  6. M,

    I make it a point to treat other people with love, compassion and respect, whether or not they read the bible. That guy you claim to worship allegedly did the same; you'd do well to follow his example.

  7. To Anonymous:

    Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good,... for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

    So no doubt, always treat anyone with kindness, whether or not they read the Bible. However, this is not to call sin good:

    Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness...

    When one sees another sin, and encourages sin, is this being truly good? Is this how one truly loves one's fellow human beings?

    Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth...

    According to the Holy Bible, our wish is for people on the path of sinning to turn away from sin. True love. But those who don't turn, the Bible says there is judgement...

  8. I agree with M that this is just "legalized" sin.

    However, I am a sinner and have no right to think ill of those who choose this path.

    Hopefully the liberals on this site will respect my opinion - after all it is they who are the most tolerant of other's beliefs.

    I wonder is Ms. Wang would care to post about how her parents or brother would feel if she were to "marry" a woman.

    Great blog. Please keep writing

  9. In reply to Amandla...

    If I married a woman, my brother would be very supportive. My parents would freak out at first, and then come around and be supportive.

  10. Bible is not my words, it is the Word of God; Judgement is not from me, it is from God. This is why it is so true and serious. God has called sinners to repent, not to continue or encourage a life of sin.

    lol? I am not at all surprised. The Bible already prophesied about mockers/scoffers, e.g. in 2 Peter 3: "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. "

    Reading the Bible, and seeing how the world is in our present day, I have no doubt Judgement Day is coming very soon: Google/Yahoo/YouTube "May 21, 2011", you can find publication regarding abundant Biblical evidence that God will bring judgement on May 21, 2011.

    I know a lot of people scoff at this, and say so many people have predicted and failed. But "May 21, 2011" is not a human prediction, it is a Biblical date set by the Holy God Himself, just like God told Noah the date of the flood. You may scoff or laugh, but it is going to happen: Proverbs 22: ... "make thee know the certainty of the words of truth"...

    Friends/family may accept our sin, but that does not save us. Not much time left until the last day of salvation...

  11. M, You should consider coming out of Your religious closet too. Majority of us, as You can see (including brave author), are posting under real names, why dont You? As to the floods and end of world(s), we have had two big floods in poland since 1997, however we didnt build arch, neither did we prepare all sorts of animals for a long trip (that would have to stink innit?). Next time please ask Your god to send us an earthquake or volcano eruption (that would be fun, as we got quite quiet tectonic plates and no volcanoes here). Thanks.


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