Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunfire Offices

I'm happy to announce that my friend Yishan Wong and I have created a co-working office in downtown Mountain View. It is called Sunfire Offices, and is located in downtown Mountain View. It will fit 20 to 30 engineers, designers, and other aggressively productive people to work on startups and independent projects.

Southeast corner of the office.

We're looking to create an office community where people can create great stuff, as well as explore opportunities for what they're doing next. The office is offered free of charge and paid for by our sponsors, a mix of angels and seed-stage investors who want to build relationships with people who are productive and entrepreneurial.

The only obligation for using the office is to attend the weekly networking mixer where one of the sponsors or a company in their portfolio will have the opportunity to give a demo or a pitch. These companies might be looking for publicity, product feedback, or recruiting.

Due to limited space, we are currently only offering services on an invite-only basis. Right now, we're extending invites to people within our networks (mostly ex-Google, ex-PayPal, and ex-Facebook) who have use for such a space. We are taking referrals from people we know.

The space is 2200 square feet and located on the 7th floor in downtown Mountain View, offering a great view and close proximity to Caltrain and food. If you have a track record of building great stuff and especially if you've worked with one of us in the past, we welcome you to inquire about visiting and to see if it's a place you'd like to use.

For more information, you can check out our site at, and we'll also be having an office-warming party on June 24th.

View of Castro Street below.

Fort built by Chris, a UI designer working from Sunfire Offices. He made this from cardboard boxes that the office furniture came in.


  1. Awesome!

    Are you aiming to be an alternative to the Hacker Dojo (

  2. Wow, you are very close to where I am working these days. Funny, I'm starting to know quite a few people who are working in downtown Mountain View.

  3. Xooglers / x-Googlers rule!

    So, besides having to network physically, what's the best way to find out what x-employees are working on?

  4. KevinKevin, if you are a xoogler yourself, you can look at the spreadsheet that Elad keeps.

  5. Elad Gil?

    What's the URL to the spreadsheet?

  6. Email me please. niniane at gmail.

  7. A rather odd way of monetizing your relationships with other people. Better than a Tupperware party, I suppose. :)

    Best of luck to you both.

  8. We're not seeking to make profit from the office, so it's not really "monetizing" in the traditional sense.

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