Thursday, April 08, 2010

the odds are still promising

Last weekend, while eating noodles with my brother.

Tom: "Mom wants to set me up with the 19-year-old daughter of her friend Mai. But that girl lives two hours from me! I said I'm not interested because it's too far."

Me: "Mai's daughter... Wait, is it Sabrina?"

Tom: "Yes."

Me: "Oh my God, Sabrina is sooo cute!"

Tom: [looking regretful] "Really?"

Me: "At least she was at four years old, when I last saw her."

Tom: [very exasperated expression]


  1. Two hours each way really would be ridiculous.

    I know, I'm missing the point. =)

  2. the way you torment your brother is so funny. Such good reading. Thank You for the funny stories.

  3. Hi Niniane, sorry for this an irrelevant question. Isn't it that "Mai" is a Vietnamese name?

  4. Mai is a psuedonym. The daughter also isn't really named Sabrina. :)

  5. How do you maintain the mapping of pseudonyms that you have to generate for all these people you tell anecdotes about? Do you have a list somehwere? What kind of look-up time is it?


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