Friday, April 02, 2010

best little brother

I have the best brother in the world!

Tonight we walked to the nearby mall and had sushi.

We have to eat out, because this is what his fridge looks like:

Afterwards we went to the gym for an hour. Tom lives in a "planned community" apartment complex, which is common in Irvine.

His complex has a gym, Starbucks, grocery store, and pool. My parents rated it 10 out of 10, and rated my townhouse a 5 out of 10.


  1. Beer, wine and...chocolate syrup?

  2. Effectively, he lives on-campus, while you live off-off.

  3. You should've said to your parents, "But I'll bet my townhouse gets me laid more often that his apartment does!"

  4. How can one even judge how much a townhouse / apartment contributes to getting its owner laid? It's not as though people go around saying "As soon as I saw your townhouse / apartment, i knew I had to get with you."

  5. The item on the bottom right of the fridge (which has spawned a good deal of discussion on Friendfeed & Buzz) is soy milk.


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