Thursday, March 25, 2010


Azer said yesterday that your trust reputation is like a pile of sand that you collect in your hands. Over time, you gather piece after piece, and the sandpile grows bigger. But all it takes is one time of letting your hands go, and all the sand falls through onto the ground.

It made me think of Tiger Woods. And of friendships.


  1. Seems to me like a little water to clump it together would make sand much more malleable.

    This will sound acceptably profound once I figure out what water is in this analogy.

  2. Ok, you're teasing us about the Dan situation again.

  3. The water is easy; it's the ostrich that's confusing.

    I've heard that some people live in sandier places and give out a big bucketful from the start. And if it's dropped, often a heartfelt apology is enough to get some help picking it up.

    "Suna no onna" really changes one perspective.

  4. Sometimes having shifty and quick hands help...


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