Friday, December 18, 2009

the eternal question of whether I should move to San Francisco

Over instant messenger:

omst: are you in SF
niniane: no, I'm in my house in MV [MV = Mountain View, a suburb of San Francisco]
omst: Boring
niniane: I know, I am bored out of my skull right now
niniane: I am writing xmas cards and working a bit
omst: God. Ur sixty
niniane: lol


  1. I would love to have the luxury to face this kind of dilemma. Anyway, I live in a suburb of Paris and I'm happy to have the forest at 5 minutes of walk. I don't think that MV is dead (many giants in high tech there) but I can imagine it is not as funny as SF can be. My deep thoughts about where I live is that it must be compliant with the way I want to live my life. So if you think SF is the right place, make it happen for 2010. Good luck!

  2. If most of your friends and social activities are in the city then you should move.

  3. Before, you did have a crash pad in San Francisco for the weekend. Why not get another one?

  4. Maintaining a crash pad is expensive, and it takes too much time to find a good one.

  5. If you were bored, we could've been goofing off on Quora.

  6. Get a place in SF! The shuttle service is perfect. And you can work with the Wi-Fi!

  7. As a pre-IPO Googler, shouldn't you be able to afford two places in the Bay Area?

  8. Re: writer. I thought you were going to say "...we could have been goofing off in Mountain View." But no, we could've been goofing off on a web site. God forbid our corporeal forms should interact with each other in meatspace. :)

  9. Re: Anonymous. It is costly to maintain two residences, especially in the Bay Area! Recall that the Sims 3 character trait of "frugal" is modeled after me... :)

  10. correction. ur seventy!

  11. You tweeted that you have two gym memberships - how is that being frugal? :)

  12. That is a good question, John.

    My second gym membership is only $12.50 per month. I joined so that I can use 24hr fitness when the primary gym is closed (it closes at 4pm on weekends), and when I'm in SF or visiting my family or traveling.

    I also view it as cost effective in the long run. If this second gym membership leads me to be healthier, that will save me a lot of money in the long run in terms of medical bills. If it saves me even a single medical episode later on, it'll be worthwhile financially, not to mention worthwhile in general.

  13. I think that the only way that I could move to the city would be if I found a great shuttle service. I don't drive that much, but with those hills in the bay area, i wouldn't want to anyway. Let someone else take the wear and tear on their car.


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