Friday, March 20, 2009

my house

Hehe, I just saw this on

Today, my parents, who are out of town but driving back tomorrow, called to see how I was doing. While they were gone I threw a party, but when asked I told them no, to which my dad responded " Well I'm currently looking at pictures on facebook of our kitchen with beer and a bong on the table." FML

which reminds of a conversation I had last week in Hamburg...

Friend: "How many crazy parties do you think your brother has thrown in your house by now?"

Me: :(

Friend: "You've been gone how many days?"

Me: "He did tell me that at least ten people disapprove of my couch. Which made me wonder how many people have come to my house."

Friend: "Yeah, when you get back, he'll tell you that he did a poll. A thousand people like the couch. Two hundred dislike it. Then there are the ones who didn't vote... because they were too drunk. There are a thousand of those."

Me: :(


  1. LOL, boys are many house party have you had niniane?

  2. Wow, this couch must be really bad.

  3. Niniane,,you are the best,,i love you.........

  4. Niniane,you are the best,,love you forever..

  5. Think of the infamous mattress from the movie Hellraiser, only worse. Cyclopean upholstery pulled taut over a twisting, loathesome skeleton, the geometry itself hideously wrong! Dear God in heaven, mad pipers circling blindly through the ecliptic of Azathoth! Ia! Ia! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! >MADNESS<

    (The Lovecraftian version of a No Carrier joke)


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