Monday, January 26, 2009

don't you want to know what kind of MUD it was?

Chatting with my brother in my kitchen yesterday, while making a salad:

Me: "I met a new friend on Friday. She used to program MUDs, and now runs a startup making an MMO."

Tom: "Does she have a younger sister?"

Me: "I don't think so. Actually, come to think of it, she's your type physically. She's chinese, with long straight hair, and really skinny."

Tom: "Her younger sister is?"

Me: "No! She doesn't have a younger sister!"

Tom: "Bah, so useless!" [gets up and leaves]


  1. ohai, which MUD did Susan work on? LegendMUD?

  2. Hi Charles. :) I think there were several MUDs. One was an LPmud, IIRC.

  3. Interesting. I hacked on Diku variants, never knew about all the other styles; have a lot of MUD history to catch up on. :)

  4. Tom's not into older women? For shame.

    ... I kinda want to know what salad you were making.

  5. If that was the actual conversation, then Tom is assuming your new friend is not in his age range.

  6. Tom should date a white girl.

  7. pic or it didn't happen

  8. Niniane, besides being a pot bellied pig person, are you a cat person or a dog person or both or neither? Inquiring fans want to know.

  9. Tom is not cougar bait! This post is beginning to to stink like a dead woodchuck under the porch. Time for a nice, shiny new post!


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