Saturday, May 17, 2008


Tonight I saw "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and it was much funnier than expected.

Almost all the funny lines were from Aldous Snow. Like this one, where he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt that's a gift from his girlfriend. He hates the shirt.

Aldous Snow: [after spilling red wine on his shirt] Oh God, take my eyes, but not the shirt!

Or responding to one of his fans:

Matthew: I have a question for you real quick. What did you think of my demo? Did you get it?

Aldous Snow: I was gonna listen to that, but then, um, I just carried on living my life.

Or his description of his vacation with his girlfriend:

Aldous Snow: I don't know how you put up with her. It's like Hitler. Maybe that's going too far. No, it's not -- it's like a holiday with Hitler.

I wish more people were this hilarious in real-life. However, the reason the character is so funny is largely due to his cruelty. It wouldn't be good for more people to go around dashing youngsters' dreams and mocking the fashion tastes of their loved ones.

But it's so funny!



  1. You should consider moving to Google UK ;p

  2. I made a bad call on funny-vs-cruel once many years and have never quite been able to forget it. I used the (funny in theory) "There are no stupid questions, just stupid people." line w.r.t a hesitant coworker. The look on her face was heartbreaking, and my apology couldn't undo the damage.

    I've witnessed relationships that can handle lots of apparently-cruel stuff flying back and forth, and it's really entertaining, but as soon as somebody without the right kind of thick skin wanders into the mix it's a disaster.

    It would be awfully fun to be in "movie mode" for a while, though, overreacting to everything and creatively insulting everybody who irritates you.

  3. Not all the characters in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" were cruel and funny. You can be funny without being cruel. And if everybody was "that" hilarious, wouldn't we all get used to that and then nobody would be that funny?

    I loved "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"! Decided to see it opening weekend after Richard Roeper reviewing the movie stating that it was one of the funniest movies he'd ever seen. And who doesn't like Kristen Bell or Mila Kunis? I thought it was funnier than "Knocked Up" and possibly "SuperBad." The first Harold & Kumar was a lot funnier than I had expected, though the second one was funny, but not as much as the first one.

    If you haven't seen Iron Man, you should - it's really good. Looking forward to seeing Indiana Jones next weekend courtesy of Google...

  4. Comedy is just tragedy revisited.

  5. Funny thing is that Aldous Snow in real life (russell brand) got caught in a some type of scandalous trift w/2 girls in a bathroom...something that you'd imagine his character would get into...LOL

  6. Tradegy + Time = Comedy

    For the victim....

  7. Russell Brand lives in my neighborhood in London and is a notorious, self-proclaimed sex addict. And a darned funny one at that. You need a parking permit for street parking in our neighborhood, and Russell was offering other residents signed photos in exchange for permits so all the women who came to visit wouldn't get tickets. Precious...

  8. I guess you are not watching TV; Can you do something for the victims in Sichuan? save a little bit from your lavish parties and make donations.

  9. Wow, what a snarky way to ask for money.

    Don't worry -- I already donated to the Tsinghua earthquake fund.

  10. re: Jeff. That's a great story about Russell Brand.

  11. Charity starts at home!!!

    Take care of your family , Friends and neighbors first.

    Why donate to help a society that as a whole wants to destroy America?


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