Thursday, April 17, 2008

it was good

So, I'm a shell of the human being I was before. There is a lot to do, for work and for my family.

Anyway, one nice thing from last week was dinner at Wenarto's house. Wenarto cooked us capon:

A capon is a cockerel (a male chicken) whose reproductive organs were removed at a young age. Typically, the castration is performed when the chicken is between 6 and 20 weeks old.

Supposedly the castration makes the chicken fatter. And happier, if memory serves me correctly. Because it doesn't have to stress over chasing the hens around?


  1. Castration makes a chicken happier? It looks tasty.

  2. I think it's because it doesn't produce as much testosterone, so it tends to make fat instead of muscle.

  3. so was it that much better than a regular chicken? i wonder where i can get me some capon...i've never seen it or noticed it in the grocery store.

  4. More like super frustrated and pissed off chicken. Hope it's kicking your digestive tracts all over the town! This is just as cruel as veal!

  5. Wenarto looks like your fashion-challenged friend that was in Paris during your winter vacation.

    As for the cockerel being happy - I highly doubt it!

    The Humane Society of the United States has a report on the castration of cockerels:

    "Caponizing cockerels has been banned in the United Kingdom due to animal welfare concerns, yet no state or federal regulations prohibit the castration of male chickens in the United States, and crude instructions and surgical implements are easily available on numerous websites. The procedure is typically performed on fully conscious, unanesthetized, young male chickens and inflicts both pain and suffering on the birds...The testes of a male bird are internal, so the operation requires surgical removal of the reproductive organs through an incision between the last two ribs. The surgery is normally performed on fully conscious animals who have not been anesthetized or provided with painkiller."

  6. Wenarto's fashion is so refined that most people probably can't understand it, similar to most runway fashions looking strange to the average eye.

  7. Regarding your comment on Wenarto's fashion sense...

    Somehow, I just don't see Wenarto being highlighted in (first Google result for 'runway fashions') - :-)

    I'm not fashion maker either - a friend of mine in college during college said I dressed like a Communist! which reminds me of:

    Wendy's Commercial - Soviet Fashion Show

  8. Don't be evil.

  9. Why does everybody want us to be like Europe and impliment their laws.

    We are the U.S.of A.

    Move there if you like it so much then you will complain that thay do not follow U.S.A. laws ...

  10. delicious eunuchs! i wonder how many other eunuch critters we eat...?

  11. Anonymous - who said I wanted to be like Europe? Some things are just universal. I still think America is the greatest nation on earth, but it isn't perfect. (somehow a lot of Americans think it is).


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