Wednesday, January 16, 2008

how can

I'm really disturbed that Britney Spears is dating this unattractive paparazzi cameraman.

Even in 2005, my friend said, "What happened? Two years ago she was the most unattainable woman in the world."

And now look.

How did this happen?


  1. There's still hope for her. I hear that the latest version of Photoshop comes with special macros for adding bras and removing vagina-chinned douchebags.

  2. You can take the girl out of the trash but can't take the trash out of the girl.

  3. i feel the same way...

  4. Maybe he has a really great personality. Women are always talking about how it's not how a man looks but what his personality is, right?

  5. I'm utterly shocked that Britney can spell "prerogative".

  6. Look at her in this photo. She has luck dating anyone.

  7. Does any single one of us have any idea what it's like to live the crazed existence this woman has lived in since childhood? I'm not making excuses for self-destructive behavior. I'm just sayin' that we can all throw lotsa stones from a pretty easy position. Only a very few people around us can scrutinize our behavior while scrutinizing Brit's is an international sport bigger than teh futsball.

  8. It is because that one picture was beautified by some powerful photo software while the other was not.

  9. Had a moment of confusion there: which was is the unattractive camera man? :P

    Photoshopped or not, one can't argue with the assertion that Ms. (note the ambiguity? so appropriate!) Spears is no longer upon the pedestal Pop Culture had created for her 4 years ago.

    1) Attractiveness
    2) Unattainability

    Validation of her own reproductive desirability (unattainability) by securing an attractive mate.

    Glad we straightened that out.

  11. Are you kidding? The way she looks in that photo, she's lucky to get an attractive cameraman like that. She looks terrible

  12. re: Anonymous @ 6:00pm.

    lol. If only life was that clear.

  13. I think Sarah Silverman said it best when she said after Britney performed horribly (out of shape, barely dancing and lip-syncing) at the 2007 MTV Music Video Awards:

    “Was that incredible? Britney Spears, everyone. Wow. She is amazing. She is 25-years-old and she’s already accomplished everything she’s going to accomplish in her life. It’s mind blowing.”

    I agree with "You can take the girl out of the trash but can't take the trash out of the girl."

  14. The reason : child birth !!!

    The older you give birth; the less likely you are going to recover.

    The more children you give birth to, the more likely everything will just droop...

  15. That's silly, Britney was in her early 20s when she gave birth. Look how amazing Angelina Jolie looks after giving birth, and she's much older!

  16. How did this happen?... well, this "old" picture of her has pretty much nothing to do with the real Britney. It's Photoshopped. That's just show business baby. Britney Spears in real life is like anybody else.

  17. Like my friends always tell me when I make a social blunder.

    You can take the boy out of the trailer park.

    But you will never fully excise the trailer park from that boy.

    No matter how much money he makes.

  18. the reason: post-partum depression.

  19. Come on already... Do you people really think that all this crap you see on magazine and CD covers is real??????? Tell me ... when was the last time you saw a human being look like what she looks on that CD cover???? she looks like plastic. Even Barbie looks more real. And what's that thing about treating people like trash???? Let her live her life, for God's sake. Are you so miserable in your own life that you need to belittle someone else to feel better about yourself????

  20. Hey Niniane,
    I used to think you were cute and funny and smart, but now I'm really disturbed by the dumbness of some of your comments. not shallowness (I can live with that) but dumbness. I hope it's just a temporary lapse of judgement.


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