Friday, December 07, 2007

one-liners that made me lol

"Someday the sharks will be extinct, so you should eat them now, or you may never get another chance."

Me: [sending a blackberry note to myself]

Tom: "Is this a communication from Niniane of the past to Niniane of the future?"

"Interacting with X is like accessing memory which has already been freed -- most of the time, it's fine, but sometimes you get completely unpredictable results."


  1. You've got to stop posting stuff like this, Niniane. It's extremely unprofessional.

    People at Google are starting to see you as nothing more than an overrated PR gimmick.

    It's just not fair on the people around you who are working hard.

    Grow the fuck up already.

  2. How is it unprofessional?

  3. Get back to doing what you are good at, bashing Asian men and kissing WM's ass.

  4. Don't listen to the h8rs, Niniane. This is exactly the friendly, funny side of Google that we need to see. More one-liners please!

  5. hehe, looks like you triggered some free memory reads...

    i think these people are fairly predictable if you tried to understand them. they're self-conscious, insecure and immature. the latter is probably shared by many of us here, including you and me.

    anyway, stick to the truth and it shall set you free :)

  6. Yes, plz delete the troll posts, thx.

  7. For what little it's worth, N, I don't think posts like these are unprofessional.

    I presume X in the third bit is a person, not, say, a consumer electronic device.

  8. We love you Niniane. Keep posting and making us smile in the morning.
    You rock!

  9. .


    Don't like the post...

    Go find another blog that you like.


  10. Can you post more pics of you in bikinis?

    Also can you get Eva to pose in a bikini plz?

  11. Well, I am glad the one-liners made you laugh, but this was definitely not one of your funnier posts... Then again, not every post can be brilliant - even from you :-)

    You're "Ronald McDonald House" post was great though. A mix of humor and contemplative posts make your blog a great read.

    Looking forward to a Google Holiday Party blog posting with lots of hot photos of you & your friends - LOL.

  12. John Lin, that last part is kind of creepy.

  13. haha, the first one is so true. if you believe you don't have control over whether or not other people will eat shark's fin, eating shark's fin yourself is the dominant strategy... a little bit like the prisoner's dilemma, except you are playing with the rest of humanity.

  14. John K. Lin - I think it's clear from your simpering comments you think kissing N's ass and telling her how brilliant/awesome she is will one day result in her wanting to interact with you.

    Here's the harsh reality: You will never meet her, and in fact will probably never get her to even reply to your blog comments unless you are so unnervingly creepy she feels the need to tell you to back off.

    A little unsolicited advice from someone who has gotten further with N than you ever will.

    Please refer to this image.

    Notice that sex is completely out of reach.

    No matter what a man does, he cannot get a woman of much higher value to comply to having sex with him. As a result, a woman will usually tell him "Let's just be friends." He becomes one of her many 'orbiters' and continues to fight a battle leading nowhere. In fact, there is both an instinctual and societal motivation for women to lure the men in their lives into this type of role. After all, evolutionarily, this meant more men to help raise the children she was having with the alpha male.

    That is why the concept of the 'no-challenge' switch is so important. The woman has these men at her disposal for whatever survival value she wishes to take from them: Companionship, dates, spending money, backup for her real boyfriend, everything is fair game.

    Devoting energy to be a suitor-in-waiting of a woman who won't give you the time of day is a fool's errand - and there is an abundance of fools who grovel at the feet of every moderately attractive woman thinking "If I stick around and kiss her ass long enough, my turn will come!"

    As to the haters who seem to feel the need to piss on N for being a AM-bashing autoracist: maybe she is, mayhaps it's not but either way, who gives a shit? Do you think you can harass/humiliate her into one day saying "OK, OK, YOU WIN. I'm SO SORRY FOR BEING A SELF-HATING ASIAN, I WILL ONLY PUT OUT FOR CHINESE GUYS ONLY FROM NOW ON, STARTING TONIGHT."

    N - you've mentioned to me how few people you've met IRL through blogging. You may want to consider if it's an experiment worth continuing.

    Me, I've probably met in person a few hundred people through my blog and while I didn't hit it off 100% with everyone (yourself included), I would say it is, on balance, a positive vehicle for social interaction. Your online presence for whatever reason seem to largely attract obsessive stalkers and those who desperately want to cast you as the villain in some White-Versus-Asian race dating war.

    I genuinely enjoy reviewing my comment-notification logs - I can't imagine you have as positive an experience with the sort of drek you must sort through.

    Just a few thoughts. YMMV.


  15. ..what a loser.

  16. John K. Lin: No matter how many time you kiss Niniane's ass, she is not going to give you the time of day. You're Asian and Niniane hate Asian men.

  17. .


    Forever in outer orbit...


  18. KC, I found your post an elaborated way to kiss N's ass. It was so bad your date? Best luck finding your beta female!

  19. It was not a date. I have never and will never date Kai Chang.

    I suspected that allowing him to take that photo at a party would come back to haunt me.

  20. Of course you'll never date Kai Chang. He is Asian and we all know you hate Asian men.


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