Monday, December 03, 2007

but don't throw out your first ten babies

Last night at sushi.

Elad's friend: "Are you going to try to publish your nanowrimo novel?"

Me: "Heavens, no. It's not nearly good enough. I figure my next attempt at writing a novel will be better, and if I do it ten more times, the eleventh novel might be good enough to publish."

Neha: [bursts out laughing]

Me: "What?"

Neha: "All through November, your twitter posts were things like 'I am so miserable' or 'this is so much harder than I expected'. Now you want to do this ten more times??"

It's like the amnesia after childbirth.


  1. Just retire already and go write your novel...

  2. Criticism is one way to improve.
    Let's have a look to your novel ?

  3. Put it up as Creative Commons licensed wiki book then. We'll take care of the rest: editing, distribution (like etc.

  4. Do you actually speak the word "heavens"? You write it all the time, but do you actually say that in real life?

  5. Live and don't learn.

  6. Can't you just work on your current book until it is publishable?

  7. Have you ever gone through childbirth? How do you know that it's a similar experience.

  8. re: anonymous. Yes, I say "heavens" all the time when speaking. Alipe says it sometimes as a joke, and then I started saying it and now cannot stop.

  9. I have never gone through childbirth! At least not from the POV of the mother.

  10. re: ArC. I don't think I can just improve my current novel. It has to start out at a higher place in order to reach the publishing bar. That's my theory anyway. I don't actually know! Since I am an amateur.


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