Tuesday, October 30, 2007

first set of Halloween photos

Friday night party in SF Potrero Hill.

The hostess, sporting a Justin Timberlake "Saturday Night Live" Dick-in-a-Box.

The woman in the green dress is wearing a fake ass.

There's nothing to say here. Except: awesome.

Guess what this costume is? The doll's shirt says, "Sean Preston Federline".

He's a PC! From the "PC vs. Mac" commercial.

He's wearing a blue shirt, with cutouts pinned to him labeled "Australia", "South America", etc. He's fanning himself, between exclamations of "It's so hot!"

Yes, he's "global warming".


  1. Niniane, the most important question is, what are you dressed as???

  2. whos the hot chick showing massive skin below her hips

  3. Niniane,

    I have read your blog many times and enjoy it...

    I alwyas thought that you were very attractive.

    Never gave it much thought before but...

    But after seeing many costumes that you have show us in this blog and reading about your enthusiasm for dressing up...

    I bet that you are so so so so so fun at role playing....

    Ummmmmmmmmmmm makes me happy to think of the possibilities.

    The next time I see you at work if I smile big you will know what I am thinking.

    Well maybe you won't know exactly what I am thinking but just think that I am picturing you in feathers, fur, lace, handcuffs, rope, hats, ruffles, nurse outfit or maybe even a Kai Chang mask...

    Depends on my mood :-)

  4. All that money and you come up with the lamest costumes!

  5. The guy dressed as Global Warming needs swift punches to the kidneys.

  6. So does the guy dress up as a PC.

  7. At least those guys got some kind of costume. What's gray hoodie guy dressed as?

  8. Hey Niniane, dn't all your stalkers freak you out? I mean, you live in the Bay Area with all these antisocial dorks who read you blog every day and probably think they actually know you. Scary shit.

  9. Haha - global warming, the PC from the commercials... Creative, but I was especially happy with the nerd factor of mine. I went as 'properly instrumented content', sporting a clear gif and HTTP headers. A web beacon, y'know? Even geeks needed it explained to them!

  10. Probably no need to worry about the anti social dorks.

    For them there is no life worth living beyond the keyboard and monitor.

    Just live in fantasy.

  11. That ass is no fake. It has to be real. What kind of person would put a fake ass on? That is as lame as the socks in the pants thing.

  12. I like big butts and I cannot lie
    You other brothers can't deny
    That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
    And a round thing in your face
    You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
    'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
    Deep in the jeans she's wearing
    I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
    Oh baby, I wanna get wit'cha
    And take your picture
    My homeboys tried to warn me
    But with that butt you got makes me feel so horny

    -Immortal words of Sir Mix-A-Lot

  13. http://www.seattle.net/seattlemedia/photography/picContest_10/

  14. re: John. I'm dressed as a character from "My Fair Lady". I'm actually borrowing Sha-mayn's rented costume.

    re: anonymous who said my costume is lame. You are wrong.


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