Thursday, October 04, 2007

best holiday

The best holiday of the year is coming up in a few short weeks.

If you know of good Halloween parties, send them my way! Maybe I'll even throw my own this year.

I'd like to find a costume with a tall headpiece. For example, a powdered wig for a "Marie Antoinette" costume.

When I do an image search for "asian Marie Antoinette", no good results show up.

This means it shouldn't be hard to nab a high spot in the search results.


  1. Dress as a beheaded Marie Antoinnette where you have a bloody neck and you walk around holding your head in your hands.

    Makes it hard to eat and drink during a party, but it's fun.

    Or better yet, partner with somebody who will sit inside a draped serving cart with a hole cut for their head to stick out. You play the part of the body and they play the part of the head. You will push the cart around.

    Then you always have a place for your food and drink! But you may have to feed your partner! ;-)

  2. "Beheaded Marie Antoinette" should put you high on the image search results also.

  3. And also, this method should reduce the number of "who are you dressed as?" questions and you may even snag a best costume prize if you do a good job.

    DO IT!!!

  4. You're going to choose your Halloween costume based on what you think you'll show up on top for a Google image search result?

    Then I'd go in your Birthday Suit :-)

    Don't forget to invite me to your Halloween party!

  5. You're going to choose your Halloween costume based on what you think you'll show up on top for a Google image search result?

    Well, at least she won't just meddle with the search engine results directly.

  6. did you try live or google to search?

  7. Just go as an Asian concubine.

  8. You would look good as asian Marie Antoinette--- it woud certainly be different

  9. There's nothing different about an Asian chick wishing she were a blonde haired blue eyed white chick. LOL!

  10. She is trying to be white.

  11. You may have competition--within Google, no less. I just saw an Asian Marie Antoinette walk past my door. Third floor of building 41.


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