Monday, September 10, 2007

totally frivolous post about hair

I'm in the middle of writing a post about Omar and feet. During this process, I went to dig up a photo of Omar from 2004.

Some of these old photos include me with shorter hair. Looking at them, it occurs to me that perhaps short hair is better for me.

For example, short hair from Mar 2004:

Oct 2004:

Long hair, from a couple months ago:

Perhaps I should cut my hair short again.


  1. You look great either way. I've heard that movie stars have very large head to body ratios, but maybe it's true of engineers too. Since your head is so large compared to your body, I would make sure to get a layered haircut to sort of blend in your face with your shoulders. The last thing you want is to pull your hair back into a ponytail or even worse - bob it at the jaw-line. It looks fantastic in your About Me profile, but shorter looks good too, and a change is nice every once in a while.

    I sound like a fortune teller. Pass the cookies please.

  2. you look younger with long hair

  3. Noooooooooooooo....

    Do not cut it short.. You have you entire old age to have it short...

  4. Short hair is fine, but because you are asian and therefore have a large head/wide face, you have to make sure your short hair has body (like in the photo from 2004). If it's cropped too close to your head, you'll look chubby even though you aren't.

    If you go long, just doooooon't do the boring Asian girl haircut. (Long, stringy, limp, all one length). Do you have any photos of you with long hair?

  5. You are hot either way, but I prefer how you look with long hair.

  6. As francisco said, you look hot either way, should be against the law for woman who look good with long hair (ie. you) to cut their hair.

  7. Nah, I think short hair looks better on you. In fact you look younger with short hair.
    By the way, what's with Americans and their long hair fetish? I don't understand women who cry when their hair is cut. It's just hair, you cut it and it will grow back anyways. In Europe (is Asia the same?) beautiful women cut their hair. American women are afraid to cut it for fear of looking masculine but instead end up looking horrible with long unkept hair. It's another one of those dated dumb things. Short hair looks better and is easier to take care of.

  8. I agree with the earlier post that you look much younger with the long hair and it compliments your radiant smile much more than the short cuts.

  9. I like the pic with your hair long and curly. Oh, wait... that's 'Omar'..: )

  10. The real lesson here is that Omar should keep his hair cut short. I mean, seriously.

  11. long hair is better. not because you look younger, but it is beautiful.

  12. indeed anonymous that was the real lesson, though i must say when i tame my hair tooo short it loses all its curl. i think i've got it at the right length now, with some curl.. but it still sometimes gets out of hand!

    wow those photos bring back memories.

  13. don't go short, it doesn't help your face at all. way too square.

  14. I think that you look better with long hair. And also I think that women is much more sexy with long hair. You can read about that in best women's magazines. You are beautiful now, and even don't think about cutting your hair!

  15. You look great now! But before you decide to change you haircut, you may check these advices for perfect hairstyle !

  16. Nicky Hambleton-Jones, presenter of Channel 4’s "10 Years Younger" programme has some tips on this online slot gambling website to look 10 years younger, and you can even win a makeover. details are in their promotions section.


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