Friday, August 24, 2007

"say anything": still got it

I'm at my SF Japantown crash pad, watching the movie Say Anything with Sha-mayn, who's seeing it for the first time.

I watched this five or six times in my late teens, and I found it the sweetest thing.

But tonight I viewed it through cynical lenses. How is it going to work? They're only nineteen years old! She's embarking on an international scholarship, and he doesn't have any career objectives whatsoever. How is she going to respect him in the long run?

Then he sent her the card about how he will always be there for her (tender but not mushy), and he wept while saying manly things at the gas station to his hoodlum acquaintances, and he left her a voice mail wittily predicting her reactions...

By the time the classic scene rolled around, I was totally won over again.

Diane's Dad: [to Lloyd] "You're not a permanent part of her life. You're a distraction."

Lloyd: "I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."

Dan and I recently discussed whether people go through more heartache when breaking up as teenagers, or later in life. We decided from our own observations that there's more heartache when you're older. The first cut is not the deepest, it would seem.

It's surprising, because I thought that during young love, you go through all the angst.

Diane: "I can't believe we're actually doing this. No one thinks this will actually work, do they?"

Lloyd: "No."

Diane: [sad, mouth downturned]

Lloyd: "You just described every single success story."


  1. It does hurt more the older you get, but then it FEELS like it hurts more when you're younger. That my opinion anyway...

  2. It hurts more when you're hurting. Every hurt you've felt before pales in comparison.

  3. GREAT movie. First movie I saw at Cornell at Cornell Cinema.

    You should have heard the audience when this was said:

  4. When you're older, you have more to lose. There's less time to find someone else.

  5. 1977 Chevrolet Malibu Classic


    I love that movie...

  6. Loydd was wrong...

    Kick boxing did not become big.

    It's MMA

  7. .

    Come on.

    Only weak dreamers suffer more...

    Just relax and enjoy the ride.


  8. She's embarking on an international scholarship, and he doesn't have any career objectives whatsoever. How is she going to respect him in the long run?

    WTF kind of comment is that?

    That must have been the non American side of your brainn speaking.

    I have always dated girls with at least a Masters or a Phd though my lowly high school education was less then stellar.

    This is America. Even though I have little education I have done projects writing code at high levels for NASA, Lockheed, Lawrence Lab, Intel, etc.

    Anybody can write code. It's doesn't take a masters degree.

    Infact I bet that skill sets are higher for some less educated because they have spent 4 to 8 more years working in the real world.

    Another advantage in not going to college is you miss out on 4 to 8 years of listing to liberal professors espousing their self righteous edict.

    Not being coerced into buying this leftest crap usually makes one more self sufficient.

  9. Crazy Germans, they translated the movie title to "Teen Lover". It's not the only instance where an English title is translated to another English title here to use seemingly simpler words (simpler, but not in German, that would be too simple!). Another case is "Miss Incongeniality," which hit local theaters as "Miss Undercover"...

  10. I actually didn't read anything past Japantown. That's a neighborhood in SF? I'm going to look that up now.


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