Monday, July 16, 2007

this whole post is a spoiler

My crash pad is right across the street from Kabuki Theatre. Tonight I popped over and saw "Knocked Up".

The movie kept mentioning Google, so many times that it got weird.

Anyway, I found one exchange really sweet. It is the scene of Alison and Ben's second date. Alison found out recently that she's pregnant. They're sitting facing each other in Alison's room.

Alison: [a little breathless] You're a sweet guy, right? Don't fuck me over.

Ben: I'm the guy that girls fuck over. So you don't fuck me over.


  1. Wow...

    What if Niniane had a one night stand and got pregnant... And here is the worse part..

    The man has no abs.. Oh the horror..

  2. That's what abortion is for!

  3. It's all the same with the lights off. You wouldn't know your honey bunny from Yog-Sothoth...


  4. Even the mighty Yog deigns to shave its appendages once per week! There are standards to uphold, after all.

  5. But did you like the movie? I am thinking of seeing it.

  6. Abortion???

    What The Fuck...

    You uneducated jackass

    Keep your Slut Whore legs out of the air or use condoms and / or birth control and you will not need option # 2

    Preferably condoms to help prevent SOME of the STD's that may last longer then your child support payments...

  7. uh, trojan man, you do realize that a woman who is not a "slut whore" can get pregnant on birth control. It's called a long-term monogomous relationship.

    Oh, but you're the typical anti-choice loser who sees pregnancy as a way to punish women. You don't give a crap about the fetus, you just want the woman to be punished.

    Also, being the typical anti-choice loser, you've never been laid, so in your tiny pea brain the only kind of sex that a woman can have is "slut whore" sex.

    Anti-abortion = anti-woman. Plain and simple. Anti-abortionists don't give a crap about the fetus, don't give a crap about children.

  8. oh, we go!

  9. Dear Anonymous...

    Please pay attention next time... Fart Face.

    The movie starting this topic was about a one night stand.

    I am not against aborton... In fact I have assisted in a few and find it quite an interesting process..

    Much like my 8th grade frog disection.

    You probably protest in Berkeley and have had multiple abortions.If you are not a full blown lesbien.

    My take on abortion is that when the church (weather it be a hugh organization or the church of one created by some freak like you) has sufficient funds so that all unwanted children are cared for emotionally, financially and come through emotionally unscarred from 1st being unwanted and 2nd from your freak ideals then I may... I repeat MAY be against abortion...

    Since money could NEVER be a factor in this equation...And your ideals are so one minded ...
    It would be like the hamster trying to get and stay at the top of the wheel.

    By the way...What are you doing with that masters degree in woman's studies anyway?

  10. According to whatever website your philosophy beleives in, there have been somewhere between 40million and 60million successful abortions since Roe opened the gates. If you count all the Jews killed by Hitler plus all the Chinese killed by Mao plus all the Russians killed by Stalin you don't quite get 60million.
    This is progress?

    What are the odds that one of them may have been the next Einstein,or Mother Theresa or the next Martin Luther King or Beethoven or Gandhi? 1 in a million?, 1 in 20 million? All those people certainly came from disadvantaged mothers for whom their birth was inconvenient and burdensome. But what also of the lesser of us? Do we not all have a right to life? Whatever a fetus is, whether some sort of pre-life life form, or just a very junior form of actual life--were we not all of us that at one time? The cost to humanity in the long term for the ease of abortion today will be something we should ponder as one of our generation's legacies. Should this social experiment continue especially if mere personal convenience is its primary rationale? I liked the movie.

  11. According to Godwin's law , this thread is over : )

  12. There is no "cost to society". Only benefit.

    The odds that a child born to a mother that resents its existence will become the next Charles Manson, Hitler, Pol Pot, drive-by shooter, or meth addict beating his kids and then dying in the gutter are waaaaay higher than the odds of the fetus being someone great.

    But go ahead and live in your fantasy land. That's where anti-choicers live.

    I haven't seen the stupid movie, but the woman made a CHOICE to have the child. Every day women CHOOSE to have children even though abortion is readily available. So your theories on abortion having some horrible consequence on society are complete and utter bullshit.

  13. @xerxes_blue : I think the odds are probably closer to 100% that they would turn out to be useless pieces of crud such as yourself.

    Please don't reproduce...

  14. There is so much love
    in this family :-)

  15. (as a steaming pile of entrails goes skidding across the living room carpet)

    "Boys, you keep it down in there--I'm trying to watch my damn soaps!"

  16. What if Niniane had a one night stand and got pregnant... And here is the worse part..

    The man is not white (he is Asian)... Oh the horror...


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