Thursday, July 05, 2007

Jesus went to the desert too

Me: "Nikhil is going to survival school. They get dropped off in the desert for a month, and forced to forage for food and water. Last year, one of the participants started shaking and hallucinating from thirst, and the organizers still refused to help him. He ended up dying."

Stuttgart (*name changed): "Why does Nikhil want to do this?"

Me: "He says it's a rite of passage, so that he can become a man."

Stuttgart: "So he's not a man now."

Me: [chuckling] "Apparently not. Anyway, on Saturday, we're having a party to send him off."

Stuttgart: "Like a Last Supper situation?"


  1. Stuttgart is a weird name (not just 'cause I live there!).

  2. so in other words you pay someone else to lose you in the desert? Seems like something you could do for free. And apparently theres no improved safety from having to pay for it.

    He should've just gone urban camping for *nameless blackberry competitor*. It probably would have cost him less.

  3. I could see paying for survival school, maybe, but paying for a survival school that (allegedly) exhibits what sounds like gross negligence???

    Why not go to common sense school first?

  4. Me, I'd rather attend a class in dessert survival! Cripes.

    I'm sure they must be teaching techniques useful to the particular locale in which the class is held, but still--it is very, very easy to end up on the verge of heatstroke in situations with high heat and low humidity (slightly better cooling effect, but the moisture evaporates so quickly that you rarely build up a huge sweat, and may not realize how much water you've lost until you're too far from a reliable water source to make it back). Very dangerous, I hope everyone involved remains vigilant.

  5. "Cripes"? Or crepes? =)

  6. Reality check:

    Is this hearsay or did it really happen?

    Some operators have a weird sense of marketing the toughness of their courses.


  8. Ha, yes please! Make mine apple-cinnamon... :)

  9. Talk about the wisdom of human limits...

  10. oops... withdrawn and lawyered


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