Saturday, July 07, 2007

code as seen by Hollywood

Thanks to P.F. for forwarding this article on Hollywood inaccuracies when portraying code. Two excerpts:

4. Code is not three dimensional.
Remember in "hackers" when the gibson is depicted as a three dimensional city that the hackers must navigate through? Bullshit! We may use a dash of color in our shell to make things a bit clearer, but last I checked my terminal app doesn't require OpenGL. I'm working here, bitches - I'm not playing quake.

10. Most code is not inherently cross platform.
Remember in Independence Day when whatshisface-math-guy writes a virus that works on both his apple laptop AND an alien mothership? Bullshit!


Incidentally, I noticed that sentences are cooler when you append "bitches". For example, "I'm working here" comes off a little wimpy. "I'm working here, bitches." is great.

The truth shall set you free, bitches.


  1. "I'm working here" comes off a little wimpy.

    Say it in a Brooklyn accent.

  2. Say it in a Brooklyn accent, bitches!


  3. Say it in a Brooklyn accent, bitches, BITCHES!

    Isn't recursion great?

  4. Say it in an F.O.B.
    Chinese Accent


  5. The movie Swordfish taught me that being a hacker makes women want to blow you all day long. Are you saying that this is inaccurate?!

  6. Fat women will blow anybody.

    Even if they work at Google.

  7. Women only feel that way about Perl programmers, anon. Fluid semantics slathered over those firm, billowing muffins of syntax allow people to swerve and jack-knife from one programming paradigm to the next without ever taking their foot off the accelerator; a nice analogue to the thought processes of the fairer sex, bitches!

  8. Otis Spunkmeyer, synonymous with billowing since 1977...


  9. Ha, ha, funny post. Catching up on my blog reading now that I am back from Beijing.

    Yeah, Independence Day with the cross platform Mac-Alien technology - that was just ridiculous.

    Also, how about in the original Jurassic Park when they are trying to shut down the computer system and there is a 3D interface, and the girl says, "Hey, I know how to use this - this is unix." (or something like that).

  10. I've jumped into my cybersuit just to comment here just now. Oh no, a three-dimensional Captcha is attacking...


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