Tuesday, June 05, 2007

tank-top injustice

On Saturday, I went to a shop in the Mission to buy a shirt for going out that night.

The shop sold vintage clothing. It wasn't my style. I was about to leave when I noticed a rack of blank tank tops. Turned out the shop could emblazon any image of my choice onto a tank top.

The employee gave me four binders of suggested images -- photos of Madonna, video game characters, peace slogans.

I thumbed through them and chose the one which was clearly the best, by far.

After receiving the shirt, I readied myself for all the compliments I would receive that night. With care did I prepare for the inevitable looks of awe and envy.

Instead I received these comments:

"You own more geeky shirts than any other friend I know."

"You can wear that to work, but I can't believe you wore it to Syn Lounge."

"At least it's better than your other shirt that says, 'Roses are red, violets are blue, all my base are belong to you.'"

My shirt is not appreciated in its own time, I tell you.

Incidentally, the store employee said I can take a felt marker and label the upper-lefthand corner of the floppy. I wonder what the label should be...?


  1. "0-day \/\/aR3z", of course.

  2. ms-dos 5.0 boot disk
    street fighter 1.0
    wolfenstein 3d
    commander keen

  3. Maybe something about 1000 free hours on AOL? Are you aiming for verisimilitude or humor through anachronism?

    For the former, perhaps something like Apple II DOS 3.3

    For the latter, take your pick, I imagine it really depends more on the people you expect to make laugh.

    How about "disk 2 of 38"? Or if you want to cater to the earlier remarks, "1/37" or something along those lines.

  4. Grrr...unable to see what is clearly on the t-shirt. Could you please post another pic that is more clear? I can just see the letter 'i'.

    -An avid reader!

  5. I think a shirt with this would be cooler:
    Dang, I might make one of those for myself :)

  6. Okay, look, I don't care what it says. Hubba hubba.

  7. That really is an awesome (and funny) shirt.

  8. gahhhhh! Stop with the blue eyeshadow! It's for pale blondes and old ladies!!

  9. Continuing with biao's theme, my votes would be for Oregon Trail or Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?

    Ahh, those were the days...

  10. To anonymous who cannot see the picture clearly, try this photo link.

    To the blue-eyeshadow person,

    1. The eyeshadow is not blue. It's green to match the shirt.

    2. I like blue eyeshadow, so you will have to prove that you have good taste before I consider listening to you. To that end, please answer this question: What do you think of the shirt?

    To the other Gentle Readers, thank you for the suggestions. I am aiming for something that is funny because it reminds us of some forgotten fact from the old days. Like "Oregon Trail, v2 with more buffalo".

    I like the "disk 1 of 37" idea. More ideas?

  11. "ms-dos boob disk" Not boot

  12. awesome shirt

    screw the haters, geek shirts rock

  13. "external hard drive"?

  14. I'm also not a fan of the eyeshadow.

    Eyeshadow is for people with eyelids, and Asians don't have 'em. I notice that Asian women, particularly in the Bay Area, extend the eyeshadow waaay past the eye to try to give the appearence of eyelids, but I think it just looks weird.

    Not like my male opinion matters I guess. You chicks get all dressed up to impress eachother, not us!

    The shirt's fine. If it emphasises the bust, it's hot. Plus it gives me a chance to look at your chest area without looking creepy! me like.

  15. Zork XII: Ascendancy
    Disk 1 of Grue

    This seemed a lot funnier in my head. It's probably not going to have the universal appeal of a reference to Oregon Trail or Carmen Sandiego. I think it might also draw a lot more derisive remarks because of its niche appeal.

  16. Forget those commercial wares, how about some cool utilities:
    Disk Muncher 5.0
    Copy ][+ 1.0
    LockSmith 2.0

  17. label it "porn"

  18. What about...

    "Got 5-1/4 drive?"

  19. What about "size matters"?

    Whoever doubted the awesomeness of your "roses are 0xff0000" shirt is clearly in need of a sense of humor and should be disregarded as the statistical anomaly that they are :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Google Desktop Search: Disk 1 of 3794

  22. "Copy ][+ 1.0"

    Winner. I withdraw my submission in order to second this one.

  23. "Got Milk?"

  24. AYBABTU tshirts are sexy!

  25. Disk Shirt Candidates:

    Wonderful Software
    How Much it Cost: $0


    Oregon Trail
    Hyper Malaria Edition V.1



    Google Conquer Universe
    Beta 1.6

  26. The label is usually a sticker of some sort, right? You could always slap on an actual sticker for each occasion.

  27. I would've given you props! I wonder if you got it from the same store where I saw this...


  28. Hey lol i showed elaine all your base. buy her an all your base shirt!! :)

  29. No offense, but are you actually old enough to *remember* 5.25" disks, Apple II, and Oregon Trail? :-)

  30. since we're on the topic of nerdy clothes


    as for the shirt, how about 'starcraft: ghost' or 'duke nukem forever'?

    the ultimate in vapor ware ....

  31. metal,

    I was alerted to HTTPanties a full year ago! See my blog post praising them. "403 Access Forbidden" rocks.


  32. re: Anonymous @ 6/08/2007 6:54 PM.

    Yes to all.

  33. Our family had an Apple ][+. My brother had tons of what were later known as warez.

    Of all comments, only tanspace rings authentic. Locksmith was a classic.


  34. The reason I love Asian girls...
    Look at the 2 in that picture....

    Asian girls have such great facial features.. who ever looks lower than the neck line?

    Some guys like ass.. some boobs.. some legs... I love eyes and smiles

  35. missing command interpreter

    abort, retry, fail?

  36. "At least it's better than your other shirt that says, 'Roses are red, violets are blue, all my base are belong to you.'"

    Must. Own. That. Shirt.


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