Saturday, May 26, 2007

with equality and hirsuteness for all

Yesterday, during a work meeting, a sales guy brought up to make a point about targeted advertising.

The web site is authored by women who are annoyed at their men for not shaving. The stubble abrades their sensitive faces when kissing or hugging. The women vowed not to shave their underarm or legs, to protest the injustice.

NoScruf stands for National Organization of Social Crusaders Repulsed by Unshaven Faces.

The sales guy projected the web site onto the conference wall room, where it remained for the next ten minutes. I kept cracking up in the middle of discussion, each time I caught sight of it.


  1. Rowr! A higher mammal...

  2. As can be seen from the NOSCRUF website, the hit counter is "0123456789", its clearly not a real site.

    After some Googling, it turns out that this NOSCRUF thing is really part of a Gilette viral marketing campaign to try to convince men to shave more (and buy more Gilette razors).

  3. Heh heh, Niniane's description had me thinking "viral marketing" right from the get go. The site is appealingly ugly though -- some designer had to go to great pains to unslick the thing. I almost thought it was real for a moment. But yeah, it is purely a marketing campaign.

  4. Thanks for that disturbing image you have instilled in my head... *cough*


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