Tuesday, April 24, 2007

party and colonics (now there's a subject line I never expected to write)

I co-hosted a party on Saturday at the nightclub Duplex, to celebrate two birthdays.

The bar area, before it got crowded.

The two birthday girls, me, my brother Tom, and Sara.

The very pretty Elaine, posing with my coworker Matthew from Gmail. Elaine insisted that the photo wouldn't come out well because I'm taking it from below, but of course she looks perfectly cute.

Karey, Megan my personal trainer, and me.

"What did you do today?" I asked Megan.

"I got a colonic for the first time."

That sounds horrible, I said, twisting my face away in disgust.

Over the next 45 minutes, she painted a magical picture of washing your insides with an influx of pure water. The gentle flow cleanses out years of gunk, leaving you fresh, light, rejuvenated.

If you had asked me last week about my ideal Saturday night outing, it would not have included listening to a detailed account of my friend's fecal matter, and the sensations as it was extracted from her.

But I would be wrong.

It turned out to be fascinating -- the sucking sensation from inside her abs, the chunks floating through the tube, the gurgling of water as it was inserted.

By the end of the conversation, my brother asked me if I'd give him a colonic gift certificate for his 20th birthday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Few things:
    Sara is HOT, definitely.
    Tell yr coworker to wear a belt. PLEASSSSEEEEE.
    I cannot stop comparing yrs and personal trainer biceps. It seems she is the only one is working out.

  3. Yeah, can't say that hearing about someone's colonics was on my list of things to do today. :)

  4. "...the sucking sensation from inside her abs, the chunks floating..."

    Words fail me...

    (looking for someplace to be sick)

  5. Your brother is not yet 20? in a bar? ...just saying... I know I missed something

  6. Niniane,

    As cute and undoubtedly helpful as your trainer is, her interest in colonics suggests that her health/science background is sadly lacking.

    I'm betting some wonderful search engine out there can give you some useful background on the, frankly, quackery that is colonics.

  7. Elaine is beautiful....we want more on Elaine!

  8. All of this fast-n-loose talk about colonics and the pool of stool evoked memories of the infamous dog hotpot post. Lacking a better context, I present: cat hotpot.

  9. I think we want more on anything! I never see a so difficult a comment.


  10. Christina is something, does she hang out in the SVL, MTV, PA area?

  11. you're killing me here.

    I was just a regular guy that happened to run into your blog and soon enough became elated every time I saw you're name in bold with a (1) next to it in google reader.

    but then, I saw that you got a fan video and I start feeling like a stalker since I read your personal blog and don't even know you...

    and finally, I go in and see a (2)...read through an entry about periods...followed by hearing about chicks getting their shit washed out of them.

    you've broken my heart :*(

  12. Hey ninian, nice pictures i like the photography very much..


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